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Fiscal Cliff .....an analogy...


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The way I look at it is that we're "going off the cliff". Our taxes will go up, economy will suffer, then a tax decrease will be voted in. This way when it's time for the next elections, guess what the "crooks" in Washington are going to say. Hey vote for me because I lowered your taxes. Most of the voters will forget what the cliff was by then.

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You look at how long most of the semate and house have been in office and that is your problem. They have a separate pension, health insurance and keep the same salary until they retire even if they are only in office for one term.

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The interesting things is these are the same jackals who twice before have done this. As an Army soldier I remember being told twice that I was at risk of not being paid if the govt didn't reach an agreement. Funny how lot of people forgot that. It's also funny that all of the members of Congress took an early recess to go to their caucuses to get support for the election when they all knew the upcoming situation.


The Army way of problem solving? Lock them all in a room with mre's and water and don't let them out till they come up with a good deal. Guarantee something will happen. The other problem is there is no one with the guts to do it

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Thank you Adam for sharing this .. I love how it compares to a families household income.. it puts it in perspective.


These idiots do not realize that if it wasn't for the small business man they would not have the tax revenue to spend wildly like they do.


I cannot stand our government. Love our country but despise our government.


These idiots have forgotten that we are their boss ... they work for us ..we do not work for them. They will tax and spend until this country is destroyed. They do not have OUR best interest in mind. They say they do.


Congress approval rating is only at 14% .. why the heck did America put these idiots back in office is beyond me. Worse congress in our history!


I have an idea for a fix ..just a few words ..term limits .. term limits ..term limits!


They should be made to use the healthcare we need to use. Why don't they use Obama-care? Also they should have medicare after they retire.


They remind me of children in a sandbox fighting over that Matchbox dump-truck. I know children that behave better. Both parties have too many old politicians that like to entice fighting amongst the parties. Too much partisan politics not enough bipartisan politics. Its disgusting!


Think of "We the People" for a change!


OK I got off the soap box.. sorry guys!

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These idiots have forgotten that we are their boss ... they work for us ....





I have an idea for a fix ..just a few words ..term limits .. term limits ..term limits!


I say.... VOTE, VOTE, VOTE


Fire these SOB's. To much voter apathy in this great country. We as citizens need to do our job.

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