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Customer Service 866.965.0400

Not A Good Few Days


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The past couple days has been rough with vehicles in my family. First on Tuesday, my wife calls me up when she got done with work and tells me that she has a flat tire on 494 (very busy highway at the time). So I load up my car with tools jack and my son to help her. Had no problems changing the tire, just a bit scary doing it on a busy highway like that.

So then on Thursday morning I tell my wife to take my car to work so I can get new tires for her car. No more than 45 minutes later she calls me up and tells me she just got into an accident. She was rear ended by a lady that was on the phone and slammed into a lifted truck in front of her. We will find out in a few days what damage cost is. I do like the fact that you can totally see the license plate imprint of the ladies car that rear ended my wife.




Dream Workz Auto Detailing using Tapatalk

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Glad to hear that everyone is okay!!!!!! It's never good getting both ends of the car messed up!



Officer: Did you happen to get the license plate of the car that hit you?


Wife: Why yes officer, it's right there on the bumper!

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Glad everyone is OK. I got bumped in the rear in the snow in Detroit Monday. I pulled off to the side and saw a cop laying down flares at another accident scene just ahead so I pulled up to him and stopped. While we were checking for damage he started yelling "look out!" And I looked up to see some jack wagon in a big 4 door pickup heading right at us and going WAY too fast. He ducked between my car and the guard rail then cut left in front of me avoiding the other wreck. Don't know how he missed everything. If my car hadn't been there he probably would have nailed the trooper. The lady that hit me kept right on going and waved. No damage to my rental. Lucky day for all.

The dog in the right seat of the truck looked like he was having a good time!

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