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Customer Service 866.965.0400

The truck got a coat of Project Patriot today

Team Adam's

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Today was one of those days where the weather was almost too perfect... we couldn't all help but get in the 'detailing mood' so there was a bit of a staff wash and cleanup session earlier in the day. Myself, Matt, & Mook all did quick washes and touchups on our rides:




I decided it was time to tear into my personal pot of Project Patriot... my best friend for California gets into town tomorrow and as Mook so eloquently put it:


"This stuffs like Prom wax... gotta use it for special occasions" :lolsmack:


I love the pop it gives the silver... nowhere near as dramatic as what it does to black, but still love the look. Had to get a couple of finished pics... too bad Matt had already left for school by the time we got to this point in the day


















Managed to catch some tight sun shots to show off that swirl free shine! :cool:





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Nice job on the rides, new wax looks great. So nice to be able to clean your truck while working for a great company.........doesn't get any better!!


Would kind of be bad advertising if the people who work for the company have dirty cars, is pretty awesome though

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