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cleaning your microfiber towels?



10 answers to this question

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NO FABRIC SOFTENER!  And DO NOT WASH THEM WITH non-MF TOWELS!  You can put them in the dryer at low heat, but clean the lint trap well and make sure there are no dryer sheets still in there.


I have lots of towels, so I only have to do them every few months.  I use a washing machine cleaner (I know, you have to clean the machine that is supposed to make things clean!) to get all the residue out of the tub.

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If your towels are pretty heavy with product you might want to boil them with a bit of Dawn to get all the product out.  Otherwise, I just throw like towels into the washer on hot water with some liquid Tide, then a second round with Revitalizer, and then an extra rinse, and then into the dryer on low heat. NO fabric softener or fabric softener sheets.  And ONLY liquid detergent. 

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Let it soak longer. I used all my towels and most my apps today doing a detail job. Everything is sitting in two five gallon buckets with about 4 oz of APC each overnight. They'll get pre-treated for spots tomorrow with Dawn and then ran through the washer. I have a newer HE washer and use the MF Revitalizer as a detergent with an extra rinse.

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Let it soak longer. I used all my towels and most my apps today doing a detail job. Everything is sitting in two five gallon buckets with about 4 oz of APC each overnight. They'll get pre-treated for spots tomorrow with Dawn and then ran through the washer. I have a newer HE washer and use the MF Revitalizer as a detergent with an extra rinse.

Thanks i didnt think to leave them sitting in the water that long, will try this

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Out of curiosity, anybody use the steam setting in the wash?

No but my main reasoning is because of how it works in my dryer. In mine it just sprays a little bit of water on the clothes and dries them like normal. At least that is all that I see going on and could be completely misguided on this.

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