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Clear protection



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Defer to a reputable installer.  There is no middle groud with clear bra installs:  The install looks spectacular OR the install looks like it was done by a guy who asked for advice on an Internet forum :lol:   It takes years of experience to do it perfectly and is worth the extra $$ to have it applied by a professional.  There's nothing stopping you from doing the prep work, though - strip wash, decon, polish, strip wash, clear bra.

Edited by Baron_Von_Awesome
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Yep, I've done it along side Reichler on one of his GTO's, and he did it himself on his other GTO. Krewsman did it on his G8. My GTO was done by a professional. It wasn't all that hard on the one I helped with and turned out near as nice as the professional job. Patience and a clean environment and you can save a large amount of money.

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Seems like a difference in opinion...


Frank, one might say the same thing about general detailing. I can confindently say from what I've learned here "on the internet forum" that I can detail a car as well as most professionals IMHO.


More info on where to buy and how to install would be appreciated.

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Chemical burns...

From what chemicals?

We used ipa to remove the wax from the paints surface and a few drops of Dawn dishwashing liquid in a spray bottle to keep things slick and slippery as it was placed in the correct location, also as a lubricant to squeegy out excess water and air bubbles so as not to scratch the Clear Bra. In south central PA I've used Bill Yeager of Auto Graphics in Manheim, he does great work, but you'll pay for it.


I'll be putting Headlight Armor on my Malibu's headlights this weekend, same stuff as the Clear Bra just for the lights. I've done these on several cars headlights with no issues.

Edited by BRZN
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From what chemicals?

Heck if know. He just asked what was the worse thing that could happen and that came to mind. I should add that I was being completely sarcastic.


Worse comes to worse it'll look bad and maybe some scratches in the paint if not handled/prepped properly.

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I've done (3) clear-bra installs and countless headlight kits in the past 5 years.  Patience and experience are key as there is an inherrant nature about the clear-bra material, how it reacts, and how to best install it that simply can't be tought.  There is a reason professionals charge so much.


Each and every clear-bra install that I have done has come out better than the previous simply due to experience.  My best advice is to shy away from any compound curves.  If your car does have them, take it to a professional.  It takes lots of experience to know how to get around them without damaging, stretching or creasing the material.


That said, if you have the patience and desire, give it a whirl.  I've ordered all my kits from clearmask.

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