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Removing foul scent left by air freshener



A family member gave my wife a pumpkin spice air freshener for our tahoe. The smell wasn't that bad until now. I guess it is leaving an after-smell as it is reaching the end of it's life. The smell to me is musty, like water getting inside. It didn't smell like that at all until this AF came into being (both of which do not care for AF, but it was a gift).


I have been leaving the windows open to vent it out, but it seems it's not leaving without intervention. Could the TID help with the smell, or is there something else I need to try? 

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I'm not usually an air freshener kind of guy, but I have a 10 month old and a 3 year old and sippies get lost under seats on occasion in the wifes Enclave.  I bought a Yankee Candle "leather" air freshener and honestly, it's pretty dang good.  It's not intrusive and I just stuck it in one of the door pockets.  It's a tiny thing too.  It's just enough to make it smell decent.  


My car and truck are sans smell.  

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I'm not usually an air freshener kind of guy, but I have a 10 month old and a 3 year old and sippies get lost under seats on occasion in the wifes Enclave.  I bought a Yankee Candle "leather" air freshener and honestly, it's pretty dang good.  It's not intrusive and I just stuck it in one of the door pockets.  It's a tiny thing too.  It's just enough to make it smell decent.  


My car and truck are sans smell.  






The first link I'am sure is what Chewy is referring to.

Edited by LFairbanks
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Nope!  #2 is what we have.  They're tiny and last a long time.  They're not SUPER smelly either.  My wife is super sensitive to smells.  She HATES with a PASSION when I use Adams Leather and Interior Cleaner, but she doesn't even notice this scent.  


It's more of a neutral scent IMO.  It's not oranges or carmel apple or something odd like that. 


Like I said, I just hide it in a door pocket of the rear door.  Less is more IMO and this works.


I also stuck one in our main downstairs bathroom.  Worked great! 



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Someone gave you an air-freshener as a gift?   I'm not sure how I'd take that....



It was my mother in law gave it to my wife. She finds it difficult to buy her gifts and wanted to give her something. 


I went around and cleaned every surface I could with TID, then the leather with LCC. Cleaned the glass and vac'd. It smelled better when I left it. Next day it was still there, but at least it was clean inside  ;)


I ordered some Ozium  spray, and the absorbing tub. I'll try that when it comes in. 

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1. Wipe down all surfaces w/TID - Check


Move on too.....


2. Brush all carpet and upholstery w/Adams carpet brush to relax fibers


3. Steam all carpet and upholstery surfaces (My favorite, the wall paper attachement w/terry towel over it)


4. Use Adam's C&UC as a pre-treat, extract all surfaces w/hot water


     4.1  Ensure proper drying....me, I put 2 box fans in the car, one on each side...put the windows down a smidge and run and extension cord to them to creat a tornado in your car...it will be dry in a few hours or less with if hot water was used.


5. Change Air Filter


6. http://www.wikihow.com/Remove-Odors-from-Your-Car #7


7.  Still there?  Strongest air freshner in history....contact the company and see WTF is on that MSDS that created this disaster in the first place :)


PS.  If it's been raining...check your carpets after it has rained an ensure you have no leaks, maybe it's a coincidence.

Edited by 07RS4
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I'm fighting this right now.  The guy must have used something almost fruity to cover up the smoke smell or maybe it was a cleaner he used.


My car has been cleaned from TOP TO BOTTOM, and I even bought some spray on odor neutralizer and it's still there.  It started with a smoke smell which I got rid of with ozone, but this one's being a little more difficult.  


I went as far as  putting a space heater in the car with the windows shut and letting it bake the interior out, then I tried soaking a rag with leather scent and leaving it in the car with the windows shut.  lol  The heat actually worked a little.  The rag, not so much...  lol  


I may just have to let it bake in the sun this summer.  

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Man Chewy you're just not having luck with the smells of that car, I hope you got a good deal on it.


It's really not that bad, it's just annoying.  Most people wouldn't think twice about it though.


Open a box of Baking Soda (Arm n Hammer or whatever),

Drop in a baking pan,

set it car for 12 hours on the floor board.


See if this helps.  Obviously, this is the cheapest method.


I'll try that Mook!  I thought about it, but then got lazy and didn't want to go to the grocery store.  Every time I go, I get something I shouldn't! ;) 

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It's really not that bad, it's just annoying.  Most people wouldn't think twice about it though.



I'll try that Mook!  I thought about it, but then got lazy and didn't want to go to the grocery store.  Every time I go, I get something I shouldn't! ;)



Use the Notes app in your Apple device.  ;)

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Initially when I posted this, I felt it was the air freshener. Turns out, there was a spill in the back, and mold was starting underneath the carpet. I went through airing it out in in the fall. Pulled the carpet up and sanitized. Sadly I was thinking a diluted vinegar would work. Well it worked with the mold. Now I am combating the left over vinegar smell. LOL. This is nuts


The only thing that helped with that. I pulled the carpet loose so I can get underneath. I used an entire box of baking soda. vac'd it up and that helped.


But to be honest, what is helping the most, is the refrigerator pack of arm and hammer. I leave it sit for a while. Shake it up every now and then, and that has been helping with the vinegar. It's mostly gone now.

I may go over every surface with the TID again to remove any smells that may have landed- Headliner included.



Many lessons learned on this one. 

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LOL!  What a PITB, but mold is BAD!!  I could live with vinegar smell knowing there was no mold.  My car is getting better by the day.  I still haven't gotten the leather conditioned as I've got more interior work to do and I like to let the conditioner sit for quite a while before sitting on the seats.  

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