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My daughter is on "The Voice"!


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I thought her performance was better too.  She has a unique voice & phrasing and she made that song her own.  Unfortunately alot of good singers went home tonight. 

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Well, that's it for this show.  Sam wa a bit disappointed that she didn't make it to the live rounds but she had the time of her life and has no regrets.


Thanks for all the support.  Buy her "Voice" singles on iTunes and her own music on sambehymer.com.  Follow her on Facebook and Twitter.  @thegreatsamboni and Sam Behymer.


Thanks again for all the kind words and support.

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I haven't watched it yet, but sorry to hear that she didn't make it to the next round.  She will do well, and just because she didn't make it further in the show does not mean that someone won't offer her a contract.  As others have mentioned she has a unique style that sets her apart from everybody else.  

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A little "inside baseball" for you guys:


When Sam's second battle was actually taped it was very late in the evening and it was one of the last battles taped.  There were no "steals" left.  All four coaches had already used their "steal".


For some reason they decided to air Sam and Christina's battle on the first night so it looked like there were still steals available.


I'm not saying Sam would have been stolen but she MIGHT have.

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Sorry I missed this. You must be proud, no matter the outcome.


My daughter's mom was on crime-stoppers couple times! We weren't very proud of her.... But at least my kid got to see her mom... Even tho it was on the news.


That was years ago.

Edited by PaintTech
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A little "inside baseball" for you guys:


When Sam's second battle was actually taped it was very late in the evening and it was one of the last battles taped.  There were no "steals" left.  All four coaches had already used their "steal".


For some reason they decided to air Sam and Christina's battle on the first night so it looked like there were still steals available.


I'm not saying Sam would have been stolen but she MIGHT have.


Interesting Roger.  And I agree, I think she was 'steal worthy'! 


I, for one, would be interested know she fares with her singing going forward - maybe a "living dreams  through someone else" type thing.  


And thanks for your insights into the show.  We have been watching it from day one, and think it has the best format of the talent shows.  Although it does appear (as in Sam's case) that often the better singer does not always advance.  Have read several theories (the next morning!) about her competitor having so many social media followers swaying the choice.   

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Congrats to Sam for making it this far.  We were pulling for her in my house, and FWIW, I think she has a better voice than the other girl from last night, and the song selection the past two weeks was less than desirable to show off her real talent.  


WAY TO GO SAM!  Keep on truckin!

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Things didn't really take off after the show like she had hoped.  She's done a couple of shows and was part of a Voice "reunion" in Corpus Christi earlier this summer (which was fantastic) but it's a pretty tough way to make a living.


She has a small but loyal online following and puts out self-produced music and vids from time to time.  She has some LA producers interested in recording her but it's tough without a lot of cash.


Look her up on FACEBOOK and YouTube (Sam Behymer).  You can purchase her music at SAMBEHYMER.COM.


She's gonna keep plugging away as long as she can....   Thanks for the interest.

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