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Merino wool replacement?



I have one of the original merino wool wash mitts, and I dearly love it. Putting together my spring sale order, I thought I'd be a good son and pick up one the merino wool pads that had replaced it last year. To my horror, I see that it is no longer available.


Is there going to be a new merino wool option anytime in the near future? Please, please, please...

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No plans for a replacement, going forward.  Sourcing a high quality one that can be made at the rate in which we need it has proven to be nearly impossible.


As many here can attest, the Merino Wool mitts/pads have been out of stock WAY more then in stock over the past 18 months or so.  That stinks for everyone involved to be in a constant state of waiting!


If anyone knows of a suitable replacement that's out there that will hold up to our standards, please let me know!

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I think the Professional wash pads at the price point you guys sell them at are


A)  A great value (both sizes can be had for 20 bucks as opposed to 1 merino wool mitt for $30, plus I'd still need a second wash media for the lower half of the car)


B)  Low enough price point to buy a "fresh set" once a year, or to have extras to rotate.


If its not broke don't fix it and if the wash pads do a good job and still sell well I'd just stick to them going forward.

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I bought mine at thompson racing last week.  Quick Shipping!  I think it was at my house in TX in two days.

(Late to reply) Glad to see you received it quickly Eric!


The Merino mitts were fantastic and I still have a brand new one in the bag!  If there's still demand for them, I might put it up on our site.  Keep an eye out!


Looks like Kristen has a couple too!

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