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Favorite smelling product?



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Obviously carpet and upholstery cleaner, duh!


Car shampoo and Rinseless wash (or diluted to waterless) for me, then followed by undercarriage grapes, then APC, detail spray V2, and glass cleaner.


And actually, compared to all the other iron fighting wheel cleaners on the market, especiall Sonax Full Effect, Adam's DWC smells 10x better, at least its a cherry scent to mask the sulfur smelling chemicals lol.  It's not like it hides it completely, you know it still smells like a saturday at the womens salon, but its much better at masking and lingering with the cherry scent than Sonax does. 


And in my opinion after using both Adam's DWC works much better than Sonax but that's for another thread.

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