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Thanks Michael for the welcome. I'm doing a lot of reading hoping that will answer the majority of my questions, but will post if I am unable to find what I'm looking for. My guess is that pretty much everything has been asked already though.

That's true but you will not be told to "use the search button" here! Maybe just pointed to a link from another post.

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Hi Steve! Thanks for signing up for the forum. That is an awesome Tesla you have there, man I love that car!


As others have said, feel free to ask any questions - we have subsections on the forum that cover just about any car care topic you can think of - and there a lot of great, knowledgeable people on here that will help you out :)

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Thanks everyone for the welcome. I truly appreciate it.


Dan@Adams, the P85 has been quite an amazing vehicle to own and drive for sure. I've had the privilege of driving some pretty amazing vehicles from some of Italy's finest, and as a whole (minus the amazing engine notes of course) this car is the best I've ever driven.

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Thanks everyone for the welcome. I truly appreciate it.


Dan@Adams, the P85 has been quite an amazing vehicle to own and drive for sure. I've had the privilege of driving some pretty amazing vehicles from some of Italy's finest, and as a whole (minus the amazing engine notes of course) this car is the best I've ever driven.


So cool! I haven't had a chance to even ride in one yet, hopefully soon.


If you have any larger pictures of it that you don't mind posting, we would love to see them, thanks!

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Its a good angle lol thou a little lower and more in front could give it a more menacing look....lol really nice ride.


Both of those were quick pics as well. That must be my quick pic angle. I will take some better ones in the future from a different angle; promise. Lol.

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