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How do you fill out an Adam's shopping cart?


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Ever get to the bottom of your cart and you're close to meeting the free shipping amount and you need to cross that threshold? 


How do you guys go about what to throw in the cart to get across the line? 


I'm well stocked on most things and this is a small restock order for me, with accessories I need.

Just curious if others find themselves in this spot and what they usually get? Maybe it'll give me an idea. :)

Maybe they should have a 10.00 mystery product in the store... kind of like a mystery box, but for 10.00 bucks, here's a random product. LOL. 

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I am with the others -  towels and applicators.  If you do Rinseless washes the plush waffle weaves are great for the damp wipe step.



What do you use for dry wipe step?


I use the Waterless Wash towels.  When I use the 'wash, damp dry, dry wipe' routine, I can use the dry wipe towel for two vehicles.

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If anyone follows Obsessed Garage, He has like 25. I think when you get to the quantities of Dan and Matt (Obsessed Garage) it's more about not having to do laundry as often. I ordered a 2 pack to bring my total to 4. I should now be able to do both of my cars without the MB and still have two of my reserve waffle weaves from another vendor still in the box. 


To fill out my cart, I ordered the Waterless Wash combo. 16.99 for just the towels, or 19.99 for 2 towels AND some WW. That's a WHALE of a DEAL! 

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In all seriousness, what do you need 12 GWDT's for?  If 1 is big enough to do your whole truck, I can't imagine that I would need more than 2 or 3 of those.


Please school me in my errors!  :P



I have 5 myself, I use at least 2 if I dry the entire truck, sometimes 3 depending on moisture, so if I want to or need to dry the truck twice in short order I am almost out of towels, so I could def see needing a few more. That and mystery boxes help that stock lol. 

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In all seriousness, what do you need 12 GWDT's for? If 1 is big enough to do your whole truck, I can't imagine that I would need more than 2 or 3 of those.


Please school me in my errors! :P

Like John said, it is for my laundry methods. I separate my towels into loads based on towel type and use. Having enough of each towel means that when it is laundry time (which is 2-3 times per year) there are enough towels to make a reasonable load, and not just washing a few towels at a time.


I typically run four loads: plush towels, waffle weaves used for exterior drying, glass/interior towels, then any towels used on wheels or door jambs. I dedicate specific towels to certain tasks: Great Whites are for exterior drying only, black utility towels are interior only, blue waffle weaves are door jambs and wheel drying, Adam's utility towels are for Quick Sealant on the wheels only, etc.


While this might seem a little extreme, I need to make sure my washing machine and dryer are clean before washing detailing towels, so no cross-contamination occurs. I live in a house full of girls, and there is an unreasonable amount of clothing that has glitter on it. So much so, that the laundry machines are contaminated with it, to the point that running my own clothes in separate loads often results in cross-glitterization.


Before washing my Microfiber towels, I run a clean-cycle on the washer with some distilled white vinegar to break down the build-up of detergents and fabric softeners inside the machine, as this build-up is bad for the detailing towels and is also full of glitter. Since MFR&B is a stronger detergent than regular laundry soap, it will break down the build-up in the washer and mix it into your load of Microfiber towels, unless you clean the washer first. The dryer also has lots of glitter, along with contaminants from other loads, such as rags, rugs or shoes. A thorough vacuuming of the dryer along with a wipe-down is required to prevent the clean Microfiber towels from being contaminated with stuff that can cause damage when used on your paint.

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 I live in a house full of girls, and there is an unreasonable amount of clothing that has glitter on it.  


I think I finally understand now why you spend so much time keeping your truck shiny. :) 

I usually have a week between my washes so washing towels during the week isn't too big of an inconvenience. I need a better cabinet in my garage for towel storage. Currently using a lot of totes which works great but kind of limits the quantity of to towels I can have on hand. 

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I live in a house full of girls, and there is an unreasonable amount of clothing that has glitter on it.

Me too. My wife and 3 daughters....and even the dog is female.



That all makes perfect sense to me. Although adding up the cost of 6 months worth of towels is mind boggling. But 1 at a time, I'll get there.


I have learned many great tips from you. As a kid I had the posters of Ferrari's and Corvette's on my wall in hopes of one day obtaining one. Now, I have pictures of your detail garage....wife is not a fan....

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Me too. My wife and 3 daughters....and even the dog is female.



That all makes perfect sense to me. Although adding up the cost of 6 months worth of towels is mind boggling. But 1 at a time, I'll get there.


I have learned many great tips from you. As a kid I had the posters of Ferrari's and Corvette's on my wall in hopes of one day obtaining one. Now, I have pictures of your detail garage....wife is not a fan....

Well, you got me beat, but just by the dog.


And this thread is how I ended up with most those towels, buy getting a few on each order, when trying to hit the free shipping threshold.


Glad you like the tips!


Also, get your wife on this forum, I need to ask her why in the world she would not want you to have an awesome detailing garage.

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