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Holy. Crap. I was just looking at my extra bottle of windshield washer fluid this morning and thought the same thing!!! I don't know why I'm so excited, but dang that's so cool that you thought the exact same thing and posted about it.

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Yeah for people with cars that sit outside it would be beneficial I would think. During pollen season I use a lot. And I doubt shipping cost would make a difference. The thicker gallons like CWS and HGG are no lightweights. If adams were to come out with it though, it would have to be cheap because the gas station on sale jugs are just so easy to grab.

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The cost thing always comes up but they sell gallons all the time. Someone willing to pay for a better option wouldn't mind the extra cost.


HOWEVER, it's probably not cost effective for Adam's to try to produce something that he's not going to make much on. A concentrate maybe, but he has already said he can't control the water we use so it's harder to back the product 110%.

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Wow, some of you folks need to drive in the snow belt during the winter time...you'll find a new found respect...err PASSION for windshield washers. :lol:

Valid point. While growing up in Maine, I can personally attest to the miserable experience of riding behind a tractor trailer after a recent snow storm lol. Windshield washer fluid lasts about 2 days

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Wow, some of you folks need to drive in the snow belt during the winter time...you'll find a new found respect...err PASSION for windshield washers.  :lol:

You've got me there. God bless Texas.

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Here's a response from last year:


Really not a market we've got much interest in playing in as its more a commodity. A trip down the auto supply aisle at any store will show you the "Premium" gallons around $5 and the cheap ones under $2. Even looking around online its a space occupied by a ton of products that get the job done and at a price I doubt we could even manufacture and package something to compete.


Thats not to say I haven't tested a concentrate product, but wiper fluid is one of those things that works or doesn't. Its hard to create a premium solution and we're not much in the business of creating 'so so' products just to have a presence in the category. If we can ever come up with a solution that justifies a spot in the line b/c it does something better than the existing options we will, but so far not really a priority.


On a personal note - wiper fluid is one of those thing that I just pick up something reasonably priced and offers the right level of freeze protection for my climate. I've never noticed a dramatic performance benefit from one product vs. another.


From this thread:



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Wow, some of you folks need to drive in the snow belt during the winter time...you'll find a new found respect...err PASSION for windshield washers.  :lol:

I live where we get lake effect snow (so, yes, absolutely snow belt) and I haven't purchased windshield washer fluid in years. i just keep a nice coat of glass sealant on the cars. Heck, I barely need to use my wipers.

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