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It's been 10 years since I've been here...


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What's up guys. It's been 10 years since I have been here or ordered anything from Adams. Just recently got a new truck and wanted to improve the paint. It's not too bad as is. A little faded but no major damage so it should be easy. I have products from 10 years ago.... are they still ok to use or should I get new stuff? I'm sure the technology has changed. Also...my PC got stolen so I don't have one of those either. I'm glad to be back and excited to see everyone's projects


Does anyone have a PC they are looking to sell? I'd rather buy a cheap used one then a new one if I'm only gonna use it for this one thing.



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Welcome back.  You definitely want to watch the videos and see how much things have changed in 10 years. All of the products have been vastly improved and each one has a specific purpose. So I'd watch the videos and figure out just how much you want to put into your truck and then just order the products you feel you need.  I'd recommend you start by claying your vehicle to remove any dirt and residue and give it a nice bath.  Follow up with whatever steps you think you want to take, but finish off with a good coat of Americana Wax to help protect it for the winter months that are coming.  Sealants are always good advice.  

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