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What products to wash hats?



I wear a hat to work everyday, and they all get covered in oil, diesel fuel and general dirt and grime. What do you guys recommend to clean them?


Worst case, I'd like to at least knock down most of the visual stains, and enhance the overall smell. Best case, make them brand new again.

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10 answers to this question

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All purpose cleaner works great, I just gave a couple sprays on my hats covered in sweat, salt water spray and fishing bait and then give them a light brushing then rinse real good. I then fold the back into the hat and set them to dry or put them on a rack that my dryer has and dry them that way. Washing machines seem to alway kill the shape.

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I have this cage/frame thing that will hold a ball cap to it's natural shape, just found it on Amazon. It's used in the dishwasher on the top rack. I soak my hat with Carpet & Upholstery Cleaner, leave it dwell for a few minutes then let the dishwasher do it's thing.

Next hang it to dry, still in the cage/frame thing to maintain it's shape.

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If you are talking about a baseball style cap, you can find a hat washer that you can put your hat into to keep its shape and form. If I really like the hat and I want it to look new again I drop it off at the dry cleaners and let them bring it back to new again.

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you should never put a hat in the washing machine is what i have heard it destroys them, my hats i just saturate with spray n wash fill the kitchen sink with warm-hot water the add laundry detergent and set it in and let it soak for about 2-3 hours with a coffee cup on top of it for weight to keep it submerged, this may have to get repeated depending on how dirty the hat is but it has always worked for me and it keep the bend in the bill without any deformation.

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