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Ceramic boost over wax?



 Hi thanks for any help you guys can provide. 

 I'm kinda new to all these new wax/polymer/ceramic coatings. I've been using a wax/polymer blend as a top coating. But I got a bottle of ceramic boost in a mystery bucket and I'd like to try it out. I'm not sure if I'll ever strip and put a ceramic coating on this particular vehicle. So will ceramic boost give me any benefit over the detail spray I've been using at every wash or dusting?


ps...damn that detail spray smells good. I think I'm addicted

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15 answers to this question

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Ceramic boost does say it CAN be used as a stand alone protectant and will offer some of the hydrophobic properties but not the longevity of a true coating. So yes you can use it however it will not last as long without its underlayer. DS will not last as long at all, days at best. If you want a quick wax to apply try the Buttery wax, if you want a quick sealant the H2O is a great product and is an acrylic sealant that is water activated and can be used while you dry the car. 

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12 minutes ago, Velvethelmet said:

 Hi thanks for any help you guys can provide. 

 I'm kinda new to all these new wax/polymer/ceramic coatings. I've been using a wax/polymer blend as a top coating. But I got a bottle of ceramic boost in a mystery bucket and I'd like to try it out. I'm not sure if I'll ever strip and put a ceramic coating on this particular vehicle. So will ceramic boost give me any benefit over the detail spray I've been using at every wash or dusting?


ps...damn that detail spray smells good. I think I'm addicted


You bought a Mystery Bucket, you're here asking questions, and most of all, you're using Adam's. Trust me. You're addicted. :cheers:

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18 minutes ago, falcaineer said:


You bought a Mystery Bucket, you're here asking questions, and most of all, you're using Adam's. Trust me. You're addicted. :cheers:


Oh, and if there was any lingering doubt...you're sniffing the products wondering how they'd taste. :drool: Just don't get too close to the WC?:lolsmack:?

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1 minute ago, falcaineer said:


Oh, and if there was any lingering doubt...you're sniffing the products wondering how they'd taste. :drool: Just don't get too close to the WC?:lolsmack:?


One should also NOT drink the detail spray, you will become like @TheWolf and take detailing to a new level including polishing even the smallest most seemingly insignificant parts of your vehicle, including your instrument cluster. 

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21 minutes ago, pirahnah3 said:


One should also NOT drink the detail spray, you will become like @TheWolf and take detailing to a new level including polishing even the smallest most seemingly insignificant parts of your vehicle, including your instrument cluster. 

Yikes, i must have sipped on some then....by accident 

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I should probably offer something of benefit here, so I'll add a link to help you learn how to differentiate between different products:



Check out the other articles in that part of the forum, too (Adam's Detailing Library). 

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3 hours ago, Velvethelmet said:


 I got a bottle of ceramic boost in a mystery bucket and I'd like to try it out. I'm not sure if I'll ever strip and put a ceramic coating on this particular vehicle. So will ceramic boost give me any benefit over the detail spray I've been using at every wash or dusting?


On a whim, I used CB on my Hellcat wheels a couple weeks ago.  I finally had the opportunity to wash them yesterday for the first time since I used the CB.  Let me just say what a difference it made with clean up and drying.  The wheels are matte black and are a pain in the butt to keep from getting water spots, and the Brembos leave their fair share of brake dust behind even after just a few miles. With the coating of CB, the brake dust mostly came off with a blast of water, and I was able to keep them from spotting by using my Sidekick and an old MF.  I'm not sure how long the protection will last on my wheels, but the time spent was well worth it, even if it only bought me a few weeks.  I would recommend you give it a try on your paint.  I would expect you would get a month of protection out of an application on the body if I got two or three weeks on a set of wheels.



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 After reading that FAQ, thanks falcaineer, I really want to try the H2O sealant. Is the ceramic boost considered a sealant or a coating. They list H2O as a sealant but ceramic boost is not listed. 

 Maybe the FAQ was written before ceramic boost existed?


 On another note. How difficult are the ceramic coatings to apply? Is it possible to ruin a paint job with faulty application? Just how forgiving if at all are they? Maybe I will try to ceramic coat this car. The paint is in good shape with no needed correction but I'm scared to apply something semi permanent. Am I just too old school in my thinking?

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 Broke down and read the instructions. Ceramic boost bottle says "spray on ceramic sealant" cool.  

 I'm guessing the main difference between H2O and CB comes down to the silicon content in CB

Edited by Velvethelmet
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2 hours ago, srneee said:

How can you maintain the finish after an application of ceramic boost over wax? Is it better to reapply ceramic boost after each wash?

Good question. Specifically having it over a wax, I have no experience. So if anybody else had any exp.,  please feel free to correct me.


in my experience boost on its own will last for closer to 6+ Weeks depending on conditions. For that reason,  I usually like to reapply every 4 weeks or so. And would guess that reapplying every 4 weeks would be a good timeline for you.


if you notice that the hydrophobic, or water repelling, effects are present, that is evidence of the ceramic boost. If waterbeading is not present on the surface after water, then that is evidence that the ceramic boost is at the end of its life and needs a reapply.

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I put Ceramic Boost over Ceramic Paste Wax and it lasts between 4 and 8 weeks according to the weather.   I don't know the longevity of the Ceramic Paste Wax yet, since it has only been on for 4 months and still looks great.  I'm thinking it will be in the 6+ month range with using the CB monthly on it.   If you really want it to pop for a weekend, you can apply Brilliant Glaze over the Ceramic Wax or Ceramic Boost.


I have also used CB over Paint Sealant and it worked fine, but did not give the depth and shine like I'm able to get with Ceramic Wax.  


For the lawn mowers, I use CB 1.0 without anything under it on both the exterior shells and under the mowing deck.  I tried this with CB 1.0 and found it help keep them cleaner and the moist grass would not stick as much.   The CB 1.0 lasts about 1/2 a season, which is ~4 months in South Carolina.  I'll start using CB 2.0 on the mowers when the last 1/4 bottle of CB1.0 is gone.

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