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Lets see those detail cabinets!



I just bought my house 3 months ago, and immediately after I knew I was going to need a cabinet for my detail stuff. I was going to do a normal enclosed cabinet but then saw someone on facebook use an Oakley case, and I just had to have one. So here's mine, post yours up if you want! Slowly buiding up my Arsenal lol. 


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10 hours ago, hemi1300 said:

That is pretty slick. Here's a pic of my setup



I like the use of space up top for the pads! I may have to arrange mine like that down below 


6 hours ago, Wy_detailing said:

Older picture but here is mine!


I really need to step my game up and start buying gallons lol


3 hours ago, falcaineer said:

Nice colloections!  Many pics of these are already posted at the link below, lest yours get lost in the mix.




I tried finding a thread like that so I wasn’t making a duplicate post but I must have not searched the right words lol 

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8 hours ago, Devon527 said:

I like the use of space up top for the pads! I may have to arrange mine like that down below 


I really need to step my game up and start buying gallons lol



I tried finding a thread like that so I wasn’t making a duplicate post but I must have not searched the right words lol 


All good....there are lots of duplicates. Just didn't want your pics to be missed. I do really like that Oakley cabinet. I wonder if Adam's will ever sell one?

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27 minutes ago, falcaineer said:


All good....there are lots of duplicates. Just didn't want your pics to be missed. I do really like that Oakley cabinet. I wonder if Adam's will ever sell one?


That would be really cool but I could only imagine the price lol

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The past few weeks I've been trying to hunt down an Adams sign for my garage but was having no luck. Then as luck would have it I found an Adam's Polishes dealer about 20 minutes from my work, I called to see what they stocked and then asked if they had any signs. He had this one sign and gave it to me for free! Got a few bottles of rubber mat and liner cleaner and a few other things. I'd say I scored!


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I saw a for sale post on Facebook for a video game display case. Like the ones they have at Walmart with locks for the Xbox and PS games. I wonder if that would work for Adams bottles. It's lighted and had a backlit banner along the top for Xbox One. An Adam's banner could probably be made. I can't find the post now but I think he said something like "I don't know what it's worth and I can't remember what I paid for it. Let's start at $450". I'm not positive that is the price he posted but it was something ridiculous like that. Maybe that is a good price but it's not something I am willing to pay. I'll do a deeper dive and see if I can find the post. 

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While this isn't a "cabinet" per say, it is what I have to work with. We built the shelving in this closet specifically for my detailing stuff. Not sure what I'll do when more stuff comes but it looks like I have to use a lot of product up to condense my area! Its a work in progress like everything else in life. I just tidied it up last night to prepare for an upcoming job this Saturday. 




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28 minutes ago, cwp2016nd said:

While this isn't a "cabinet" per say, it is what I have to work with. We built the shelving in this closet specifically for my detailing stuff. Not sure what I'll do when more stuff comes but it looks like I have to use a lot of product up to condense my area! Its a work in progress like everything else in life. I just tidied it up last night to prepare for an upcoming job this Saturday. 





Looks great, everything’s organized and easy to find!!

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1 hour ago, cwp2016nd said:

While this isn't a "cabinet" per say, it is what I have to work with. We built the shelving in this closet specifically for my detailing stuff. Not sure what I'll do when more stuff comes but it looks like I have to use a lot of product up to condense my area! Its a work in progress like everything else in life. I just tidied it up last night to prepare for an upcoming job this Saturday. 





I wish I had that much room! I do like that set up a lot. I only have a 1 car garage so I'm very limited on space for detailing stuff

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4 hours ago, Devon527 said:


I wish I had that much room! I do like that set up a lot. I only have a 1 car garage so I'm very limited on space for detailing stuff

I plan on putting doors on it soon so I can hang door pockets behind them for all of my brushes to free up more space. I will always want to upgrade and tweak things but this will work for right now. 


Honestly I have to use up some products I have and open up a couple slots I have. There's a lot of products here I don't use regularly and they're wasting space. 

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6 hours ago, cwp2016nd said:

While this isn't a "cabinet" per say, it is what I have to work with. We built the shelving in this closet specifically for my detailing stuff. Not sure what I'll do when more stuff comes but it looks like I have to use a lot of product up to condense my area! Its a work in progress like everything else in life. I just tidied it up last night to prepare for an upcoming job this Saturday. 




Looks great! Very Organized just the way i like it !

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