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Happy Birthday!


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  • 1 year later...

Haha! The same situation, I remember how much I wanted to get 18, but now I am 22, and I think about how old I am. Does it exist the possibility to get always 18, heh. Wanted to say that I always like such topics where people congratulate each other. I think that is really something awesome, that you can meet friends and then greet and congratulate them from the distance of thousands of miles. I remember that two years ago I received a birthday gift basket exact on my BD from this company jetgiftbaskets.com. This basket was full with chocolates and different candies. I thought that somebody from my family bought this for me. But, it was the big surprise to find out that this basket was from one of my friends from other country whom I met at one forum. That's why I found this discussion very exciting.

Edited by paulmaster88
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