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Returning from a long absence


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After a long hiatus from detailing due to drastic life changing events (daughter's birth, Navy retirement, living abroad, etc.), I am back at it.  Since my departure it seems a lot has changed with Adam's products and I am (re)starting a bit behind the curve.  I had to get rid of the "liquid" products as a condition of long term storage, but I still own the Porter Cable, pads and various towels.


Looking at the Facebook page, I hope this site has not turned into what that page is.  I don't care much for collecting limited edition products just to sit them on my shelf with no intention of using them.  As ever, I'm here for advice and techniques for best results.



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Welcome back, Charles! Nearly 10 years...a long hiatus, indeed.


From an Air Force guy, congrats on your retirement! :patriot: I'm about 2 years out.


There are plenty of collectors on here, but still lots of people willing and able to give advice. Plenty has changed, even in the last year, so ask away!!


While the PC is a good one, there have been advances with polishers, too. Here's a great recent article on polishers.



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Welcome Charles!  Your PC will be fine, by you may want to consider new pads along with new polishes.  They have switched from 6.5" pads to 5.5" pads in the last few years, and they work much more efficiently than the larger pads.

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Welcome back!  The Porter Cable seems almost obsolete now.  You might want to look into the Swirl Killers. They're a huge improvement over the shoulder killing pc's.  Lots of improved old standards, and a lot of new products to get the results you want.  

I know what you mean about the FB page.  You won't learn much on there about car care.  Check out the videos along with the products you're looking at at adamspolishes.com .  Lots of sealants, ceramics, etc.  Good stuff. 

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Welcome back! The products work great! Check out H2o Liquid Guard & Gloss (HGG) it's my favorite product hands down!


I use the Porter Cable DA polisher, it's on my list of tools to upgrade... Wears me out to use it but, I don't polish much because I am super careful when I wash...

Edited by imcrazy
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