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Taking water spots off "chrome"



Hey guys,


I have some trim on my car that has gotten "etched" by water spots. I haven't tried polish or anything (rubbing some polish with a towel might even work) but I wanted to know if there are any other "tricks" that could help me clean this up....


Also have to be careful with the rubber weather seal. if I get polish on that, it won't be fun. I do have some of the masking tape I got from here I could put on the rubber I guess


ps - Don't mind the door handle, the chrome trim broke off, and has been replaced 😎



2019-06-27 13.41.42.jpg

Edited by Z06Seal
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12 answers to this question

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If you mean rubber or plastic trim, try some TRC and a microfiber. Polish won't make it any better, and in fact only a headache - it's not meant to be used on it. However, quick tip: applying some VRT to your trim before you polish the paint will make getting any residue off super easy!

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If the is chrome with the water spots, then I ask if you have tried using a clay bar. I’ve been successful removing minor water spots with a clay bar. And then would probably try to use Revive Hand Polish with the blue hex grip foam applicator pad.  That combo has been successful for me when removing pretty minor stuff and I would still try that first before moving onto a stronger polish.

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As @falcaineer VRT on the trim before you polish, just keep it thin so it doesn't run.  I've found that VRT protects better than the in those areas since the tape tends to not stick to the rubber very well.


If the suggestion from @Yo-Yo Ma's Cousin doesn't work, then you can use Eco Wheel Cleaner on the faux chrome.  Just make sure it is the Eco series as the regular wheel clean may had adverse effects.  If neither of them work, then you can try Brilliant Glaze.

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5 hours ago, falcaineer said:

If you mean rubber or plastic trim, try some TRC and a microfiber. Polish won't make it any better, and in fact only a headache - it's not meant to be used on it. However, quick tip: applying some VRT to your trim before you polish the paint will make getting any residue off super easy! 


Wait, is that chrome trim? 🧐 If so, disregard my TRC recommendation above. Thought it was rubber trim. If chrome, clay or Metal Polish might help.

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7 hours ago, Z06Seal said:

Metal polish 1 or 2? I think 1? I don't need it looking like "glass" lol. Just want to remove the water spots.


I'll try some regular polish on it today. Can't hurt to try I suppose


Start with 1. Revive is another good option, by the way.

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I tried some regular polishes from here and that didn't work.


I don't have revive, I just never thought I'd hand polish anything, but I hear alot of good things about it, so maybe I'll purchase it finally.


I'll get metal polish 1. I hope that does the trick.


is there a very small diameter buffer I can get to do that trim? the head needs to be like 1 inch. Maybe a dremel on low speed???

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3 hours ago, Z06Seal said:

I tried some regular polishes from here and that didn't work.


I don't have revive, I just never thought I'd hand polish anything, but I hear alot of good things about it, so maybe I'll purchase it finally.


I'll get metal polish 1. I hope that does the trick.


is there a very small diameter buffer I can get to do that trim? the head needs to be like 1 inch. Maybe a dremel on low speed???

I had no intent of buying Revive and then I received my first bottle of Revive in a mystery box and had to try it.  I had tried other vendors products with similar descriptions and while they worked, I just didn’t see the point.   Revive changed my mind and showed me how it should work and it is easy to use by hand.  Since my original bottle, I have bought a couple of bottles and it is my go to product for the Least Aggressive method on many vehicles.

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5 hours ago, Z06Seal said:

I don't have revive, I just never thought I'd hand polish anything, but I hear alot of good things about it, so maybe I'll purchase it finally.


I'll get metal polish 1. I hope that does the trick.


is there a very small diameter buffer I can get to do that trim? the head needs to be like 1 inch. Maybe a dremel on low speed???


Hey Emir!


I rarely use Revive as a hand polish, but have found it great for paint prep and that type chore - removing marks from clay mitts & pads, parking lots 'rubs' etc. 


As for the small polisher,  RUPES makes a very versatile mini polisher, but it is expensive.  There another one that can be used on the end of a rotary polisher that be had for less than $100.

In my experience the Dremel type tools run way too fast for detailing work.

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