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ATTN: G8 owners.


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Hello guys, I don't really know if this is the correct forum to post on this kind of question, mods feel free to move it if necessary..


My question is, we got some Pontiac dealers over here but I never saw any G8's around :confused:, is it only to be released in the States? Chevy dealers have the exact copy of it but it is called CR8, same engine and tranny I guess.


Is it the same? Please help! :willy:














The CR8's are really popular here... :patriot:

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Yes it is the same. As mc2hill stated they are all based on the Holden Commodore. Holden was selling a Special Edition in Australia to use up the remaining Pontiac G8 parts inventory.

I wish we could have had the option of a hood without the hood scoops and a different spoiler.



The rear spoiler does not sit completely flush and I always end up with residual matter of some sort at and under the seam. I'd rather have one like the ones in your post because I could get a wash pad under there.


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I thought the midddle east countries had it as the Chevy Lumina...


Either way, they're basically the same thing. We have the L76 motor which I don't believe you do. You have the LS3 and L98.


Our GT's have displacement on demand L76 whereas the GXP version has the LS3 without DOD.



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I thought the midddle east countries had it as the Chevy Lumina...


Either way, they're basically the same thing. We have the L76 motor which I don't believe you do. You have the LS3 and L98.


Our GT's have displacement on demand L76 whereas the GXP version has the LS3 without DOD.




That's true, Lumina's are around too. But the CR8's-G8's looks sharper and they got a nice suspension better than a Lumina. :banana:


D.O.D., hum... I disabled it already on my truck, need to do so mechanically too... who cares about 2-3 MPG when your exhaust sounds like a 4 cylinder. :(

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The ones with the slit tail lights are the HSV equivalents and while being related to ours, they have ALL top shelf components. The Lumina SS, Commodore SS, and the G8GT are basically the same.


My DOD is still operational. In manual mode it's not, but I need the mpg. I could care less how it sounds. When it chirps the tires into third I think it gets its point across.





Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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The ones with the slit tail lights are the HSV equivalents and while being related to ours, they have ALL top shelf components. The Lumina SS, Commodore SS, and the G8GT are basically the same.


My DOD is still operational. In manual mode it's not, but I need the mpg. I could care less how it sounds. When it chirps the tires into third I think it gets its point across.





Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


I agree :lolsmack: Love them manual!

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Too bad GM screwed the pooch and dropped the G8 over here. I am firmly convinced that GM is currently being run by undercover Ford and Mopar execs :explode:


lol... Ford has their stuff together IMO. Buick's doing pretty well too.


I WOULD like to see a couple of 4 door RWD performance platforms from GM and Ford though. At least Ford has the AWD SHO.

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Just watching Speed Test Drive and they have a great looking American sedan. All three of the test drivers really liked it! 2L Turbo for a power plant, pumping out 220 hp and 258 ft/lb.


They had it doing 140 mph on the Autobahn.



Oh yeah, the car? The 2011 Buick Regal.......... really!


Priced in around 29k and this thing looks sharp!

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Just watching Speed Test Drive and they have a great looking American sedan. All three of the test drivers really liked it! 2L Turbo for a power plant, pumping out 220 hp and 258 ft/lb.


They had it doing 140 mph on the Autobahn.



Oh yeah, the car? The 2011 Buick Regal.......... really!


Priced in around 29k and this thing looks sharp!


Wait until the GS comes out with 280 or 290 hp and AWD. I can't wait to see that Buick in action.

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Do want.


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