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Everything posted by Rich

  1. Not a big fan of magic, but that was impressive! You got me!
  2. I would NEVER do this to mine, but it sure makes a cool shot!
  3. When you use the Leather and Interior Cleaner be sure to follow up with a good conditioning treatment of Adam's Leather Conditioner. It also has cleaning ability to get any remaining dirt off, but more than that....it has a HIGH SPF factor to protect your leather and vinyl areas from fading and drying from the sun. I use it in all my vehicles, plus anything else I have leather including chairs, coats, my wife's purses, etc. Love the stuff. Use it on the dash, seats, doors, just about anything leather, faux leather, or vinyl in the vehicle.
  4. Rich

    Pic test

    Another Corvette guy! Gotta love it! :2thumbs:
  5. Welcome to the forum! And yes, you're nuts! But I love it. Your car sure won't rust! But yeah, my buddy Rich gave you great advice. Enjoy the ride!
  6. Just goes to show that you can't fix stupid!
  7. Been using that stuff for years.............on my wood stuff like doors and cabinets. It's oil based to moistuize your wood. I wouldn't want it on my vehicles. If you have oil on your paint, I doubt if you'd have good luck with wax or glaze, etc. Sounds like a crop of crap to me.
  8. Welcome to the forum Tyler! Glad to have you. :welcomebanner:
  9. You're just a pup yet! These bones don't do so well in the cold anymore.
  10. My red DD looks like it's gray striped it's so covered in salt and grime. But it's too darn cold here to even spray it off. High on Friday is going to be 17! Guess the Impala is going to have to wait till spring!
  11. Welcome to the forum Phil! :welcomebanner:
  12. You live in Pittsburgh. They don't salt the roads there.
  13. Welcome to the forum Chuck! Johnstown here. Keep an eye out because in April, we all get together in Blairsville/New Alexandria (Route 22) at Grabiaks for a detail clinic every year. It's a great time and you'll get to meet the boss himself! I believe it's April 27 this year. Always the same weekend as spring Carlisle. Hope to see you there. Rich
  14. I'd like to take all the idiots in Washington and PUSH them off a REAL cliff!
  15. Isn't it always like that with life? Get the shoulder fixed up first. That thing will wear you out, so you need to be healthy before you use it. Sorry about your accident, but welcome to the forum! :welcomebanner:
  16. It's a pretty cool event if you've never been or are considering going. You can usually pick up discount admission tickets somewhere like NAPA stores, or check the show website for places to get them.
  17. Chewy hit the nail on the head and I have nothing to add. Just wanted to say how nice that car is. Those wheels look PERFECT on that car. Great job!
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