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Posts posted by falcaineer

  1. Good morning! We went through a time with alternate sprayers during the height of COVID that had some issues, but clogged sprayers may be more related to the chemicals than the sprayers themselves. Which products are you having issues with in particular?


    For lack of call back, we have a very small customer service team and get a lot of calls. I recommend you send an email to orders@adamspolishes.com instead, and watch your spam folder, just in case.



  2. Bottom line, mileage will vary. With a coating, prep is everything, and proper application is key, too. But the maintenance process, driving conditions, where the car is parked, and many other factors play in here. With your situation and what you explained, I'd expect on the higher end of the expected longevity. But if you want longer, yes, bump up to the traditional form - you're already over halfway there, anyway.

  3. As for the suede applicators, if you use the two sides on either side of the stitching, you can get two uses. However, they will need to be tossed once done. Again, I like to use a Sharpie and simply swipe the side that has been used after it's dried so I know that that side is done.

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