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Everything posted by DieselDude

  1. That is a great feeling. I remember sitting in my last college class. Just wait until that day of graduation and receiving your degree in hand.
  2. We have several in the area here I just avoid those intersections. Now we have one speed camera.
  3. Your not the only one. I am too.
  4. Paul....actually this is the first time that I have had to pay when I completed my taxes. The Capital Gains killed me.
  5. Worked on some paperwork, mowed the yard (first time of the season), worked in the flowers beds, and did my taxes. That is another topic :explode::explode:
  6. Sounds like you need a new tax person.
  7. Guys...that platform works great. I noticed them back on Black Friday 2011 (Lowe's had them for only $29 so I picked up a couple of them and have used them around the house more than I even thought I would.
  8. I would go with Sony on the TV. Just watch you might find a special on a nice laptop. I purchased a Dell laptop refurbished Dell Corporate machine (cheap and to use when out away from home and the office). It has held up great but it is not used every day (once a week for sure).
  9. That is good to have Brembo Brakes made here in the USA giving American workers the opportunity to work. Funny how this post started out and is now.
  10. Paperwork, paperwork, and more paperwork. I decided to come into the office for a little while today to see if I can get some work done without being interrupted all day long (average day I usually get interrupted around 20-30 times.
  11. Paperwork, Paperwork, and more Paperwork
  12. The Adams Carpet & Upholstery Cleaner works great especially on grease (black). I discovered three small quarter sized spots on my carpet and the cleaner removed the grease on the first try.
  13. If you have a good name brand on your commute to and from work use that do not waste time and money going out of your way to purchase Shell. The only big difference is the additives that each company puts into their gas. All the fuel comes thru the same pipeline to the terminals. We have two major pipelines here in the south. I use Shell but it is because it is the easiest station to get to. (Actually it is only one block from my office and I pass it twice daily).
  14. I believe that is more down south than North Carolina. We can put the spread out for y'all.
  15. Come on down Bill.......We southerns will give you a BIG WELCOME and even give you English Lessons.
  16. I worked in my garden, worked on some work, and cleaned a stopped up kitchen drain.
  17. I have several hobbies (in my line of work you need something to relief stress). During the summer months I enjoy working in the yard, garden, and farm work. During the winter months I will read and work in my workshop, also like to fix things. I enjoy photography (going to upgrade my camera soon). Also, I enjoy play board games, cards, and watching movies. Most important I enjoy spending time with my family.
  18. What is just a little noise....That is normal around construction zones......are you sure you hired them to install french drains with all that noise.
  19. Send some of the rain down this way.
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