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Posts posted by zw470

  1. This was actually before a little road-trip on Tuesday but oh well.





    Tried to use up all my "old" APC on the engine compartment, then wiped everything down with the new Interior Detailer.  Exterior saw some Wash & Wax, chocolate mint Detail Spray, Invisible Undercarriage and Tire Shine.  The old girl shines up pretty good for being 5 years old and having over 90,000 miles.

  2. Aaaand we're done.




    1. The casters may be too small for the irregularities of my haggard driveway, we'll have to see.

    2. I couldn't get the bedliner to turn out evenly, and after going through $30 worth I decided to live with it.

    3. My idea was to leave the bottle divider just sitting in place, that way I can just cut a larger one out if this gets filled up. Unfortunately when I roll the cart around the whole thing slides towards the towels, so I'll have to throw a screw or 2 in to keep if in place.


    All in all it was a fun project and a good excuse to buy a few new power-tools, I just wish I had enough time each day to get it done in less than a week.

  3. 2 fixed casters and 2 swivel casters. So far this morning I got those installed, and attached the top shelf to the legs. I also attached some supports to one side of the bottle divider, and painted that again. It's humid as hell so that's probably going to take the rest of the day to dry.


    The towel-rack is a good idea, I'll have to include that on rev-2 along with hooks for tools and a rack for my foam gun.

  4. Yesterday was tough. I got the legs put together then realized the way I envisioned them attaching to the shelves wasn't going to work. I spent most of my time experimenting and deciding how to proceed.




    So far today I drilled/attached the mounting blocks for the caster's, attached the legs, and built the bottom shelf.




    2 small issues have popped up. One set of casters ended up sideways, but that's fine because it can be the pair that swivels. Also, the shelf sides didn't turn out 100% square, but it's close enough to where I can just clamp it in the right spot when I attach it.

  5. I was worried about the legs being too wobbly side to side, so I decided to rip the legs in half, that way I can glue/screw them together forming a 90-deg angle to give more stability. Of course that meant I had to go out and buy a table-saw. I also got the sides of the shelfs cut out.




    Tomorrow I plan on sanding the shelf sides, pre-drilling all the screw holes and painting the pieces.

  6. Didn't make a ton of progress tonight but it's shaping up nicely.




    Top and bottom shelves are 1/2" MDF, bottle-divider is 1/4" MDF and the sides/posts will be 1"x4"s. It will be 16"x32" and around 32" tall with the casters. I think I'm going to use Duplicolor spray-on bedliner to give it some extra toughness.


    ETA: When I started drilling the holes I had a fully-charged battery, but it was dead by the time I got done with the 24th hole.

  7. So everyone loves the "matte, like-factory" finish Interior Detailer leaves behind right? I was cleaning up the engine-bay and decided I wanted the same effect. Usually I wipe/brush down everything with Waterless Wash and then follow that up with a combo of SVRT and In & Out, but this time I stopped after everything was clean.


  8. No, I've run into that issue before, usually down low along the rockers when I'm trying to rush for whatever reason. That looks totally different than what's happening with my Strip Wash. I think frosty350 and red94chev are on the right track. The dirt is suspended in the soap and as it dries while I'm washing other parts the dirt gets left back on the paint.

  9. Plenty of posts here regarding the use of Brilliant Glaze on matte stripes, the solvents it contains (theoretically) clean the matte vinyl and give it an even and deep black look.  And as I said it worked fantastic on the matte black stripes on my Charger.  There's even an "official" video from Dylan back when he was still on the payroll where he recommends the practice.


    I'm wiling to try APC, and I saw another post here suggesting Ceramic Boost for this situation.....

  10. Up until today I was a huge fan of Brilliant Glaze on matte black stripes.  I had them on my Charger and after applying it they looked perfectly deep and black, no streaks whatsoever.  Tried it today on my Mustang and the results were less than stellar.




    As you can see, the bottom half of the center stripe looks like doo-doo.  I used Detail Spray on the remainder and it looks wonderful.  In trying to even them out I tried more Brilliant Glaze, Detail Spray, Waterless Wash, Coating Prep and as a last resort Glass Cleaner.  None of them had any effect.  Does anyone have any suggestions?

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