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Everything posted by SYMAWD

  1. Washed my Dad's A6 and hit it with HGG to protect it for the winter. With a new showroom going up at work, it gets dirty very quickly. The whole back and other side of the building still isn't paved.
  2. When I saw the first winter washing tutorial on YouTube.
  3. Because it is amazing stuff. It lasts about 6 months and is just so easy to use.
  4. Except the logo used to say Nike. I really don't think Adam's is big enough for people to recognize it and if I'm wearing a shirt to support/ promote a company, I would like people to know what it is.
  5. I don't care which logo, but if it has a zipper, I'm not buying it. Pull over for me.
  6. Maybe it didn't sell well because a can lasts forever. I still have one from 3 years ago. It was a great product.
  7. I use it on my Cquartz coated car once every 3 months. It works well on top of it.
  8. No, but if this is the first time the OP used it. He didn't mention how often he uses it.
  9. Did you clean the plastic well first with APC?
  10. I just stick them under the faucet until the water runs out clean. That obviously wouldn't work for a bottle of Wax or sealant though.
  11. APC for tires, DWC for wheels, diluted rinseless as a presoak for actual rinseless, diluted DWC for paint.
  12. I wish it was that warm here. Although I really like the snow.
  13. The cheapest route would be to contact AWRS (alloy wheel repair specialists), have them refinish them and just paint them whatever color you want (or do the normal alloy silver to maintain an OEM look). You'll just lose the machined look but having wheels machined is a lot more expensive.
  14. What exactly? The process? The difference when rinseless is diluted to WW? The fact that one requires water and one doesn't? I would suggest starting by watching the videos for RW and WW on their product pages and then come back with any questions you still have. In short WW is spray and wipe. RW is taking a few gallons of water adding RW and then soaking towels in the solution to wipe down the car, followed by a drying towel. RW is safer as there is more liquid to carry away dirt.
  15. Exactly, which is why I quoted my recommended time in units of time but I guess it's how we often tell people distance in units of time rather than units of distance.
  16. Every 2-3 months because that is about how long it lasts. Applying more often is a waste IMO.
  17. Don't worry about moving quick. You can always go back and re-wet a panel since that's the whole point of HGG.
  18. Or if USPS First Class Shipping was still offered by Adam's...
  19. But your towel should already have HGG on it. You are just spraying a bit more on the panel to pick it up so your towel doesn't run "dry". The towel is wiping the entire panel, so what's the difference where the HGG actually is on that panel since you are wiping the whole thing anyway with a towel that already has HGG on it.
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