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Everything posted by Adam

  1. Wow Rich, great shots!! My favorite:
  2. Happy Birthday Nick! Your wife is a good woman....regardless of how good she is with keeping secrets! We have found that the PC and our pads and polishes can accomplish excellent results. I'd certainly suggest the Microfiber Cutting Pad, Orange Foam Pad, and the Paint Correcting Polish. You can accomplish much with that combo! Others may chime in here, but you can accomplish great results there. Again, happy birthday!
  3. Sorry friends, we are not going to make Bloomington Gold this year! We didn't miss a year from 2004-2013. When the show was operated by the previous owner, at the Pheasant Run Resort in St. Charles, IL, our customers and the attendees and participants loved it! Once the show was sold, then moved a few times...the event didn't seem to catch on. We wish the new promoters and venue the best, but are going to stand down this year until the event gets established again. As for other events in the area, we do plan to attend the Musclecar & Corvette Nationals...
  4. Thanks for your email, and sorry again George, this is the first Cyclo that has been reported DOA in our history selling the tools. I spoke with the owner of Cyclo yesterday, and he said it is the first to have left the factory dead in his recollection. Certainly an unusual situation, and we will stand behind it 100%.
  5. Adam

    Patriot Waxed Wagon

    LOVE IT!!!! Something about supercharged station wagon....something awesome!
  6. I've also had success using a clay bar, gently, on the matte stripes to remove the mineral deposits. Be sure to follow with the Revive Polish, or Paint Finishing Polish.
  7. Good point, and getting the paint corrected 100% first is key. Are you Using the Microfiber Paint Correction Pads and the Paint Correcting Polish, followed by the Orange Foam Pad, Paint Correcting Polish, then the White Foam Pad with the Paint Finishing Polish? It's possible to minimize visible flaws with Brilliant Glaze, Sealant, or Wax. Removing the damage 100% might be the next BIG step! Let's get this figured out, as a swirl-free finish is our goal too.
  8. Hi Jamey, the air can idea is strong! Look at the above document, specifically page 10, provided by Chris...Thanks Chris! Here is the main page of the Maintenance info:
  9. Thanks Steve, and I've used it for many years, on a boatload of vehicles, and have never had an issue. I have however, had a slippery garage floor, so be sure to put down the paper towels in front of, and behind your wheels before spraying the Undercarriage Spray!
  10. Today, the Sunday before Memorial Day 2014, our awesome pastor gave a service and talked about how great America truly is. However, is it today's politicians who make our country great? Lawmakers? Policy writers? Is it our culture, or is it more? IT WAS MUCH, MUCH MORE that made America such a great country. It was the sacrifice made by thousands of U.S. service people to secure our freedom, and safety. We get to live the safe neighborhoods, work in the safe places, and worship in safe churches because of the sacrifices made by thousands of Americans who served in the Armed Forces. Thank God those selfless, dedicated people chose to serve, fight, and sacrifice their lives for the rest of us. Today is the day to think of the families left behind by those who died in battle, or in service while protecting us. Every time I see photos like these below, it brings on chills, and strong American pride. Thank you Veterans, and thanks to the husbands and wives, the families of those who had to raise kids as single parents. Thanks to the parents who lived with the eternal sadness of having lost a child. These awesome humans deserve more than a day of celebration and memory, but at the least, they deserve our gratitude. We at Adam's bow our heads, and remove our hats in memory to those who served and died for us. Thank You.
  11. Streets are dry friends! No rain expected until much after the clinic is over! Look forward to seeing you shortly....
  12. New towels will be BIG! 16X24".........Stay tuned!!!
  13. Friends, the weather looks a bit suspect for this Saturday, and if the chance of rain is serious on Saturday morning, we will re-schedule the event for the following Saturday, May 31st. Again, check weather and we will connect this, or next Saturday! (I will post an update Friday night, so you can make plans.) http://www.weather.com/weather/5-day/80027 Thanks, and I CAN'T WAIT for our first BIG event at the HQ of 2014!!! -Adam
  14. Friends, if the rain advances to a 51% or greater by Saturday AM, we will reschedule for next Saturday, May 31, same time. We find that people don't want to drive their detailed cars in the rain, and want to support clean driving! As for the 3hrs, typically, we start at 9AM, and finish at 3-4PM. Just don't want people showing up at 10AM and missing the clinic! Pray for sunshine...please, or, we will see you the following Saturday!
  15. Hi Guys, I love this Forum! I love the friendliness, the cool vibe, and cool people. We don't have issues here, hardly ever. However, since this is been a common issue, I'm forced to lay this down: Anyone who makes our forum unfriendly will be permanently banned. Sorry guys, but you can PM, email, or talk anywhere you want, but unfriendly posts here won't be tolerated. Thanks for keeping it positive! -Adam
  16. +1 BTW, I find the best results going in this order: 1- Clay 2- Correcting Polish 3- Finishing Polish 4- Brilliant Glaze 5- Americana Paste or Buttery Wax on garage queens. Liquid Paint Sealant on drivers. So you are a shine-sick-freako? So am I. I use Brilliant Glaze more than anything else applied/ removed. I love how you say detailing, '....puts you in a happy place." I just did my truck on Saturday, and got some major satisfaction!
  17. MBZ designed the new Jeep platform and diesel powerplant, before the big split, am I mistaken?
  18. Very blue.... I agree, and good though on the gloves!
  19. Which machine are you using Ralph? The key is to keep brushing out the fibers after knocking out a panel. Love to see how much polish you typically put on a pad as well, and how many panels you might accomplish with that quantity? Photos, videos, anything! Thanks,
  20. When I'm looking to correct a finish, typically, the damage is obvious. Correcting is skipped when a finish if flawless. However, sometimes, you want to get down to the naked clear or paint, and here's what I do: Add 4oz of All Purpose Cleaner to the wash bucket, along with the Car Shampoo. That will strip the protection on the finish completely. Also, once you have used our Paint Correcting Polish or Revive Polish, there is nothing of the old protection remaining. Those products get to the pores of the finish immediately!
  21. Detail Spray is adding gloss.....always. That's a good, and can be a bad thing, when too much gloss agents are applied. Waterless Wash, diluted Rinseless, either are effective drying agents. I must say, however, that if you have super hard water, the Detail Spray will minimize water stains more than the others.
  22. Where in the Adam's videos is there an IPA wipe-down???
  23. Thank You Kindly Ed!! I'm one of those snobs as well, and our customer service and turnaround times have been a bit soft for the past few months. I'm freaking out, and trust me, you will like our program moving forward. Again, thanks for your patience, kindness, and business!
  24. Nobody even commented on the pursuit??? Sounds wild, what happened? Love stuff like that, and realize it must have been super dangerous, but still... As for your glass, you are probably going to need a new piece. Sanding the glass is an option, but then it's wavey to look through, if you get my drift. Not sure what your cruiser is, but a windshield for any high-production vehicle should be sub $200, installed. More details on the 110+ MPH chase?
  25. Everyone needs at least 96 sets of pads, at least, if not a few dozen more! Ha! I wish....still, but I've never used more than one set on a vehicle. Use as little polish as possible, and use Detail Spray often to activate the dried solids in the pad. Brush out the pads after each panel over a 33 gallon trash can. I have never used more than one set for a vehicle! Key is, once done, I always use All Purpose Cleaner to thoroughly rinse the pads out. Allow to dry for a day or so. Once the polish is out of the pad, they are good to go for at least a whole vehicle. Now, I'm the guy selling the pads, and would love to sell many sets to each customer, however, If cleaned well between uses, you should be good to go without them loading up.
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