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Everything posted by Adam

  1. Darryl, you are The Man. By the way, I never knew one existed, but now, I want a DeTomaso Longchamp. Always wanted a Pantera, but this car is more awesome in my eyes, especially since I could put a couple of kiddos in the back seat! Let me know if this guy considers a sale.....I might have the right butt for the driver's seat!!
  2. It's a pretty wild chemical, and I'm not sure how our competitor's juice works. For us, we found that more metal content in the brake pads = more color change.
  3. Hi Matt, here's the kicker: On the VW, the metallic brake pad content is low. The metal content is higher on different pads, but the brakes on some economy cars like the high MPG cars, say your VW, might have less metal content. My wife's Honday Odyssey also has relatively low metallic content in the brake pads, and barely changes color.
  4. Adam


    Amen Rich and Darlene! Merry Christmas!
  5. Friends, Merry Christmas, and warm Holiday wishes to each of you, from our family. What a year, and what an incredible learning experience. Thank you for sticking with us. Thank you for your loyalty, and patience. Thank you for your honesty, and your patronage. Most of all, thanks being the most incredible group of enthusiasts and loyal customers a small business could ask for! We are celebrating Christmas with our kids this year, as most of our family is in California. 90% chance of snow here in Boulder tomorrow, so it may well be a white Christmas! Merry Christmas, and happy birthday to Jesus Christ, the reason for this season. Sincerely, Adam, Melissa, Luca, Cristiano, & Vicenzo
  6. Right on Bluezey! By the way, great to see you yesterday my friend!
  7. Dylan and I have been playing.....stay tuned! How do you like the Tarminator?
  8. That's a big WIN for your customer!
  9. Temperature change makes the DWC change colors, but don't sweat it J.R! Product will work EXACTLY the same.
  10. I love this thread! Someday, a Marmon-Herrington Woody will grace our garage...
  11. Thank you kindly!! Is that your 500?
  12. Wow, a bone-stock Saleen, that's a nice car! I turned 17 in 1988, and that ride was at the top of my dream-car list! Great detail, and photos.
  13. Great Before & After shots, and great results!!
  14. We understand the issue here friends, and certainly, we would love to have a perfect solution in every product. I am to blame. It's my fault that we reject imports when possible. That's why we had our awesome neighbor make us the billet aluminum jars for the first run of Patriot Wax. I agree, the size of the mouth is not perfect for the Hex Grip applicators. It's not, and neither the app, nor the tin were made for each other. We have offered the hex grips for a good while, and then, offered this tin of Patriot Wax. One thing is for certain, we used more than a tub in the tin before we started selling it, and found that it works. Sorry Pat, and we can't please 100% of the people 100% of the time, but with input like yours, we will continue to seek a better solution. Thanks for your input, and let's move on. Cheers,
  15. Checking on that now Phil......stay tuned!!
  16. If you like it, use it Phil! We sell a bunch of Paint Correcting Polish to people who like to use the CA Duster. So by all means, dust on!!!
  17. Dire Straits channel on Pandora. Guess I'm out of it guys, I've never heard of a single band that you listed above!
  18. I've started a detailing business several times over the past 30 years. This is a relatively easy business to get started! Kicker is to first nail your process, and be able to detail better than 90% of the people in your area. Know paint correction, develop a system so you don't waste time, or be redundant. Also, be sure to do full details for friends, family, and for cheap customers at first. A few things that I found earned consistent business: Take a look at the car first if possible, and do a small corner of the hood, trunk, etc. Show what you can do, and then you can get an idea of what the car really needs! Don't flake! 99% of the people in the detail business are flakey. Don't cancel last minute, do shorty work, or no-show. This is the reason people are always looking for a new detailer, and it can be a good thing! Realize, no matter how many detailers there are in a city or town, you can bet nearly all are flakes. The great detailers charge $1K or more for a job, so there is always plenty of business for mid-price range detailing services. Give yourself enough time for each job. Schedule no more than one job/ day at first. Detailing always takes twice as long as you think, and canceling or rescheduling your second job of the day is a sure way to lose a customer. Take a million before and after photos, and pop them up on a quickie website. People love to see results! (Even if they are on your car.) Offer a free detail to the high-line dealerships, limo companies, etc you want to work for. Figure this: Either be detailing for money, or detailing for free. Just always be detailing!! Make a few thousand business cards, and always have 50 or so with you. When you see a car that could use your love, leave a card slightly stuck in the window rubber, just above the driver's door handle. Have your card offer a free, personalized estimate, and sample of work. Offer discounts for multiple vehicles at one location. Nail the "Express Detail" Most customers will want this service. More later on the Express or Executive Detail...... Charge little at first, then as your schedule fills up, raise prices. Charge hourly if possible. Start at $20 - $30/ hr. To charge the same for every car would make it seem all cars are in the same condition, or your time is not valuable. That's today's sermon on the detail biz!
  19. Kirk is an awesome guy. It takes one to know one Chris, and you are awesome!
  20. Yuck! Remember, email us with problems friends, let our customer service work for you!!
  21. What a great video, and nice find Dylan! Watch, that Gullwing will be restored, and will sell for north of $1M in the next 2 years.....mark my words....
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