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Everything posted by Norton

  1. I've NEVER been accused of being sappy, Dylan. That's good stuff! Reminds me of when my better half was pregnant with our son 16+ years ago. Not sure I'd have posted it on the Internet, but I do wish digital photo/video capabilities had been better at the time.
  2. I don't wipe anything until the IPA wipedown of the paint when done with polishing. Even then, I don't clean the windows. Those are the last thing I clean, when EVERYTHING else is done.
  3. I apply it to clean/dry wheel wells and do NOT wipe/level it, but just let it dry. I'm very happy with the results. I get around the "put down papers" hassle by applying it in the cul-de-sac in front of my house, rather than in my garage.
  4. Thanks, Dylan! Will keep my fingers crossed to 21 Sep...
  5. Looks great, even upside down. Seriously speaking, nice color choice! 2013's Red Candy Metallic was on my short list but I couldn't resist Black.
  6. Yes. (Sorry, I should have been more clear.) VRT is GREAT on the stripes. Check out this thread and video for lots of good info on how to care for them. Once you SVRT them, you won't get tape to stick to them. (Yes, I tried.) I find that, between the SVRT and staying away from them with the buffer, I haven't had any problems. x3 on the recommendation not to worry. Claying is easy to do and hard to screw up. Just make sure you keep the clay lubricated with DS - not a lot, but enough to keep it gliding over the surface. Stay away from the EDGES of your stripes. (It's fine on the stripes, but you don't want it caked-up along the edges.)
  7. Welcome, fellow GT500 owner! Here's what I did with mine... 1. Strip wash using a Car Wash Pad with Shampoo and APC 2. Dry with a Great White Towel (and DS as required) 3. Dress all plastic/rubber moldings and trim with SVRT 4. Clay entire car using DS as a lubricant 5. Polish with FMP and White Pad on my PC7424XP 6. IPA wipedown with SS Microfiber 7. MSS and Gray Pad on my PC 8. BG and Red Pad on my PC 9. Americana (one of two carnuba waxes I use) and Gray Pad on my PC In the absence of a machine polisher, I'd do as Gerry recommends... Give the Revive a try. If you like what you see, do the rest of the car. If not, skip it. Everything else I recommended, except MSS, can be applied by hand. Mine definitely benefited from the polish - results were great, with multiple Best in Class wins at car shows throughout the summer. Good luck and post some pics!
  8. Is the 7 Sep "Adam's Open Class Detail Clinic - Winter Prep" at Adams' HQ still happening next weekend? If so, what are the scheduled start/end times? If not, will it be rescheduled?
  9. This was my experience at multiple car shows throughout the summer. Countless people commented on the great leather smell, not to mention the way it makes the seats look. Gotta love the LC!
  10. Panel-by-panel. I don't think allowing DS to dry on the paint is much better than allowing water to do so.
  11. Sealant only bonds properly to "naked" paint, not wax/glaze. Your steps should, therefore, be... 1. Strip Wash (w/APC or dish liquid) & dry 2. Clay 3. One- or Two-Step Polish (optional, depending on paint condition) 4. IPA Wipedown (optional) 5. Machine Super Sealant 6. Brilliant Glaze (optional) 7. Americana Wax (optional)
  12. I brush mine out after every use. They're not quite as good as new, but they're close.
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