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worked all day. went home for lunch break and had a box with Adam's tape on it :D Tomorrow I will be washing my car and reviving it then waxing it. this will get me by untill real good weatehr arrives and I can give it a pass of FMP and seal it

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I came home from the office and had my wife show me pics from today's "Naked Girls Singing Show" that our 3 1/2 year old twins put on today. Goodness, I hope we break them of that before puberty!:willy::willy:


For dinner we had Chicago style hot dogs:



nom nom nom nom nom :drool::drool:

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Today-sitting down after a day and a half of paint correction, sealing, dressing, etc. And THEN I got my second or third wind and decided to to clean seats/carpets and w/ my new Bissel Auto Proheat yesterday from detailing. The "certified Preowned" car I bought in Dec has had a smoke smell so my wife got my that to help get it out. I have pulled a ton of dirty H20 out and hopefully with the trunk open, window and seats down, it should help with some charcoal I saw here doing the trick. so today I am taking it easy by using my new Nano on a run and a movie.:cheers:

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...and did my taxes. That is another topic :explode::explode::explode::explode:


Aw c'mon Everett, it's time to pay "your fair share." :jester:



So did they leave you an arm and a leg or did they get them both?? :willy:


Did they at least leave you your first born?





You deserve this::cheers: and this: :patriot:


Have a great evening my fellow taxpayer. :thumbsup:


We work hard so others don't have to!TM

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Paul....actually this is the first time that I have had to pay when I completed my taxes. The Capital Gains killed me.


yeah, this year was not good for me. My accountant and I underestimated sales and i wasnt paying the proper quarterly taxes. Lets just say my Adams, Beer, Play,car everything budget is blown for the next few months :help::mad:


I could have KILLED my accountant, im actually secretly shopping for a new one.

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yeah, this year was not good for me. My accountant and I underestimated sales and i wasnt paying the proper quarterly taxes. Lets just say my Adams, Beer, Play,car everything budget is blown for the next few months :help::mad:


I could have KILLED my accountant, im actually secretly shopping for a new one.


I can't, I'm married to mine, but I do understand your frustration with yours.

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I can't, I'm married to mine, but I do understand your frustration with yours.


haha, its nice that you dont have to pay yours though :jester:


I use my accountant for my business, and sense im an S corporation all profits/losses flow straight to me. Its the business that single handedly wiped me and my savings out. It just sucks that i pay her to calculate this for me. :mad:

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I was supposed to get my Federal return by the 28th of Feb, then it was moved to the 21st.. and both dates went by and nothing.. finally yesterday I found out that I will be getting it this week, but that there was somehow a past due that they took a significant portion out to pay for.. I have NEVER received any notices for anything, so I don't understand how something could be past due.. I'm hoping they confused us with someone else..

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I was awakened at 3, then 4 and finally 5:30 AM by a very unhappy digestive tract, too much guacamole and adult beverages I guess. Anyway, I Waterless Washed the G8 then clay barred her before applying Adam's Quick Sealant. The front end now has two coats and when the twins go down for their nap the rest of the car will get a second coat as well. 70F, calm and mostly sunny is too much to pass up in the early spring/late winter. The twins spent almost all morning and early afternoon outside so I'm sure nap time will be here soon and a couple hours long...just might get one in myself after the second coating. :glasses:



Adam's FTW!!!

Edited by sportredmistress
added pics
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started house hunting over the weekend. only problem is where we're looking is 550 miles away!


we sent our friends in that area to an openhouse yesterday, and they gave us their unbiased opinion that they loved it. so today we are submitting an offer. housing market there is crazy. a Realtor told us there is 5 buyers for every listing. people are offering for above asking price. most homes are sold within a week or 2.


i just got approval we get an all expenses paid trip to go house hunting which we are using right away. found 3 other houses over the weekend we want to see. the one with a pool i think already sold because the link online no longer works :(

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Well, four slot machines and I won four cars. You know, I put a dollar in, I got a car. I put a dollar in, I got a car. I put a dollar in, I got a car. I put a dollar in, I got a car.

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Well all my plans are foiled yet again. I swear people just know when I have a little "me" time scheduled and then try and ruin it. I had nothing planned this weekend, nothing at all so I was going to spend the whole weekend on my car because it needs it badly. So Friday night I get a call from my gf who has had a flat tire..... two hours from home. Friday ruined.


Saturday all to myself, gonna work on the car. My Dad comes over and says "can you drive me down to Russ' (his brother) so we can help him with something. Hour plus drive, few hours of work, hour plus home. Nothing done Saturday.


Sunday, Sunday is the day my car gets what it deserves! 7:30 in the f'n morning my gf wakes me up "your mom is here and wants you to help move some furniture." OH MY GOD PEOPLE!!! So apparently a cousin of mine came to town to pick up some of my grandparents old furniture and I had to help move all of it. Then when we are done in the early afternoon it starts raining.


Monday, then. It will have to be Monday. Well I'm the boss here so if I want to work on my car at work I can as long as all my work is done. Well all my work is done so it's off to work on the car in our shop. Well we'd ordered a new dust collector for the shop some time ago and it wasn't supposed to come until Wednesday or Thursday. Guess what it's here! So they have our whole shop occupied and I still can't work on my car.


I give up.

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i eventually started telling people that asked for my help, "sorry i already have plans" especially if its something i didn't want to do. if it was something interesting, i say, "let me see if i can move something around, i'll give you a call back." wait 5-10 minutes to call back and tell them i can help :lol:


trick is making people think your always busy so when they think of you, they hesitate to ask, and don't just show up at your doorstep!

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