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I had a staff meeting this morning with a manager's meeting in the afternoon. Our slow season is coming to an end and we're getting ready to ramp up production. Aahhhh, the life of management. I came home at lunch to find my wife laying on the kitchen floor. Our 12 year old dishwasher decided today was a good day to expire. We're getting ready to go shopping for a new one momentarily. Anything we get has to be quieter than "Ole Noisy."


all of our appliances are whirlpool, energy star rated/HE and we love them. the first time we used them we weren't sure if they were working right they were so different from what we were used to living in apartments.


do you have any kind of appliance insurance? my parents have American Home Shield; and just recently both their upstairs and downstairs AC units went out within a couple months of each other (in 100 deg, 100% humid weather). all they paid was a $100 deductible for each and a couple hot nights! i plan on getting it when the 1 year warranty expires on everything.

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Got my youngest up for school, ironed his clothes and made his lunch. After I got him on the bus I have been sipping coffee, listening to Sportcenter and posting here! Letting my wife sleep in for a change.

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Just finished reading an awesome book at lunch. Looks like I'll be on the computer later trying to find a new one. I think authors should release all the books at the same time to a series of book. I hate waiting for them to come out! I am now waiting for 4 books to be released :( one is march 2014!! Then all have to read the entire series again (which isn't so bad lol) so I know what's going on for the new books that come out. ? and! I'm done my little rant ? have a good day everyone

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Chris, i totally feel you on the long hours, granted i'm salary and no amount of complaining will help. We just got off deployment and our average days have been 10 hour days, after the drive in and drive home it's almost a 12 hour day. Hope your situation gets better!


I can hang with 10 hour days with no problem. Even 11 hour days Iam ok with, but 12 hours day after day it gets old. I have 46 hours in for the week and another day left to go. Talked to the boss and he admitted that my loop has been getting hammered. I only ask for 2 sweet days a week. Sweet is 10 to 10.5. What makes it seem exceptionally long is when I leave the house at 0700 and get home at 2100. This is the wrong job to have if you think your only going to get 8 hours and be done. By contract we can request 2 eight hour days a month. But even that can be like pulling teeth.

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I sliced my left thumb open deblocking a lens. I was expediting special orders before the holiday and making the new employees wonder what a member of management from another department was doing in production. Little do they know I've been there, done that in our business before some of them were thought of. All special orders were done, boxed up and awaiting the big brown truck or the big white truck by the time I left. Tomorrow is eye doctor appointment and dodging raindrops.

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Got woken up at 430 by the baby screaming, let mama deal for a while, then I went up and took over, calmed her down, she fell asleep in my arms, laid her back down and she slept till about 930, first time i've slept past 730 in over 3 months. Pretty relaxing!

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Got woken up at 430 by the baby screaming, let mama deal for a while, then I went up and took over, calmed her down, she fell asleep in my arms, laid her back down and she slept till about 930, first time i've slept past 730 in over 3 months. Pretty relaxing!


I don't miss those days. Well OK, I do sorta miss those days, fellow dads will understand.:2thumbs:


BTW: I'm sitting in the ophthalmologist's office with dilated pupils. Yay me ! :willy:

Edited by sportredmistress
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Got sent to Svalbard, Norway (an island about halfway between Norway and the North Pole) to fix one of my antennas. I got here night before last, worked 12 hours yesterday and spent most of today trying to get software downloaded from home to finish my work.

I cringe at the cars here. There are very few roads, and even fewer that are paved. Most of the vehicles are covered in a thick layer of road grime. Since I was missing home, and my clean A8, I put in a Labor Day Adam's order that I can enjoy when I get home. Can't wait to try out my MSS with the Flex on the A8!

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Went to fix a small leak in an overhang above my front door of my house. Started working on it and realized all the trim work on the front of my house was rotten and needed to be replaced. Went to pull the trim off and a ton of sawdust covered me (the sawdust was used as insulation) I got so frustrated I gave up for the day, it was too hot anyway, then I started watching some College Football.


Tomorrow morning early I have to get up and finish what I started, then I will move on to installing a new front and side door in my house.

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so we arrived in Denver.. went to my Sister's apartment, then to lunch (breakfast really lol)


then checked in at the hotel.. went back to my Sister's apartment, played with her driver's door since the window wont go up.. no luck, appears to be a bad switch..


went to grocery store.. back to hotel.. brought groceries in.. then went to Freddy's for supper..


dropped my Sister off.. now back at the hotel and ready for bed!

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I Waterless Washed the G8 then gave it a quick coat of Americana. It wasn't hot in the garage but WOW! was it humid! Tomorrow the interior gets some much needed attention.


I just checked and the relative humidity is 76% with a dewpoint of 74*. You southerners know about this kind of humidity. Yuck!!!:willy:

Edited by sportredmistress
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