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It's Good Friday


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Mowing lawn, working on the bay window I put in. Oh and the best part moving carpet and stuff off basement floor because we are getting rain again!!:mad:


Seriously Jeff, stop washing your car!!!!!!:lol:

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Off work (furlough day - no pay). Raining and cold. At the dealer getting an oil change. My wife is a minister I'm agnostic. We have many good debates, but we're still best friends after 36 years.

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I agree Chris. We need to remember what the day signifies.


As for what I'm doing........trying to keep warm. It was snowing here this morning, just a cold rain now. Miserable day, with no relief in sight any time soon.

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This day signifies the day before Saturday for me...


Cold and rainy.... Again...


Parents are coming back tomorrow. That'll be kind of nice.


Doing the church thing on Sunday... Catholic and all...:thumbsup:

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Working now, getting the house ready for having a bunch of family over this weekend. Not a very religious guy myself, but my in-laws are so I look at it as a chance to spend quality time with friends and family.


Hope everyone enjoys their weekend! Don't come back here monday all hoped up on chocolate bunnies! :jester:

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