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Garage pictures.


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Heres my work in progress -


If you remember any of my old detail writeups our last place had a pretty well organized garage. Took a huge step backwards at the new place. The previous owner had cobbled together some very shoddy shelving from particle board. Guy obviously didn't have a clue what he was doing. Since there were so many other projects to take on before I could focus attention out there I simply ripped the back wall shelves down so the truck would fit. I pulled over 100 drywall screws out of that set of 'shelves' exactly 3 of them were actually in studs.


Made the best of it while time/money was invested into more pressing projects in the new house. Found a place to house my supplies even though it was simply dismal trying to detail in what my wife would later name "the dungeon"











All the scrap shelving was ripped out. I installed cabinets and shelving, repaired tons of destroyed drywall and began fishing romex for my electrical outlets. As of right now still need to finish the electrical, install the attic ladder, insulate the roof, and install my overhead lighting. Ryan has been unfortunate enough to experience how terrible it was to detail in there prior to this - I'm so happy... on the home stretch to having my own little slice detailing heaven back!!




Mesh baskets are for holding dirty towels (bottom) and dirty pads (top) the basket and shelf are my drying racks for the pads after cleaning. As you can tell I'd been neglecting my 'pad laundry' up until today. Also have an area to let my brushes drip dry after use.



My gifts from the wife for Christmas. She understood how much not having my space to detail bothered me - love my wife, she 'gets' me.





Polishes, cleaners, dressings, in the 30" overhead



Gallon storage (with drip tray for pumps) microfiber, pads, etc.



Most important!! The mounted bottle opener w/ catch basket for bottle tops :cheers:



Been working on this off and on now for months and I'm on the home stretch!! WOOHOO!! First major detail in the new digs - my wifes Equinox. Its been getting neglected and I want to show her how much I appreciate her letting me finish my space. Not pictured... my other wall is pretty much blank now save for 2 overhead 28" gladiator cabinets, a mini fridge and storage for my extension cords. More pictures when its finished. :rockon:

Edited by Dylan@Adams
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finally got the garage finished (minus a lift hopefully!!). black concrete countertops, 55" led tv, and a few other things. gonna have a dilemma when the chevelle makes its way back into the garage. the rhino is for sale though, so we'll see.









I'm soooo jealous. :rockon:

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Thanks Kris... I will be doing overhead fluorescents, but probably 3 banks of 4 bulbs. They'll be run off of the current center light, but I'm gonna be hardwiring thru some conduit up in the ceiling.


My best friend and I did it before at the last pad in an afternoon... wasn't too hard. I'm also gonna be pulling a run down to a box on the far wall for a few outlets (there are none on the wall now) and possible another run for a ceiling fan... we'll see how ambitions I feel when I get to it. :D

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I feel ya... budget is the reason its not done yet LOL. Those cabinets were not cheap, neither was replacing all the storage tubs to match, the shelving and tracks, accessories, etc. Just prepping the garage for install was expensive repairing all the damage done by the previous bone head.


I'm sure you'll be seeing a lot of my garage - I'm gonna go detail crazy as soon as its done!! :pc:

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I like the basket idea. Might have to get some of those.


Yeah you can never have enough lights or plugs in my opinion. I put mine lights on different switches, that way I don't have to turn them all on if I don't need them. I still need to get as couple more 4 footers. Seems like there is never enough plugs. I hate unplugging one thing to plug something else in, then un plug it so I can plug the other thing back in. I even put a plug on the wall at my truck door so I don't have to get a extension cord for those quick vaccum jobs. Since it is mainly my side of the floor that gets dirty.

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All right, mine is still in work, but mostly complete. Started as a 1957 era two car garage that I put up MDF on the walls. It was a crowded mess but it worked. Contractor friend and I put up the drywall, lights and display case. Garage Envy did the floor and cabinets.

Not the best pics, but what I have on this computer. I think it's time for anew camera too.







The display cabinet in built into the wall and protrudes away from the wall a few inches, mirrored back, glass front that slides out for changing cars, etc.


Edited by b_pappy
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Thanks, I'm real happy with the garage, although I just saw a recessed floor mount scissor lift that looks really cool.

The Citation is my 86 y/o mother's car. She keeps it pretty clean, but I polish and wax it once a year for her. One owner, 50K miles and rust free. It's pretty funny how excited she gets over a clean car. My father used to be a chaufer, maybe clean cars were in my genes. She uses the DS and Glass Cleaner, leaves the rest to me.


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Hey JC thanks for the compliment. We are all spoiled to different levels and I look at a garage like 200XF4 and wish I could have done more. I just made the best of the budget that I had with my own time and sweat and some blood. These garages are great and it is cool to see what "toys" are in them too!

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Thanks guys... I can't take all the credit for the basket idea... the wife kicked in some input since she was sick of my car wash laundry piling up in the laundry closet LOL.


Garage came out really great Bruce!


Everyone seems to have a nice setup, if I didn't know better I'd say you guys all spend a lot of time detailing in your garages or something LOL

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