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So much for vacation

SoCal SS

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What a day leme tell ya. So I decide to take time off from work and head out on a road trip. Now granted, im one of those under paid city employees so time off and money are hard to come by. I tucked money away, and amazingly got time off approved. Then, the week before I was to roll out, I had to send money to family. Ok, I was bummed, but i still had time off coming so I decided to do the next most relaxing thing. Detail the SS and do paint correction for the first time with the PC.


So today the grand project was to start...


Until some teenager at the quater carwash were i was going to strip wash the paint decided to drive around me, then mid turn start txting on his phone. Crunch. Sigh....


So now I have a nice dent in the bed of the truck and a scratch down the side, aswell as a fubared rear bummper. You should have seen the look on the kids face as I slowly got our of my truck *imagin over six feet tall, well over 250 and built with shaved head and gotee* and said "boy, do you have any idea how much the truck you just hit costs?"


I have to give this boy some credit. He did say he was sorry and admited that he screwed up by txting his gf while driving.


So much for givin the girl some love. Sorry guys, just had to vent a little seein as how this happened a few hours ago. You can bet I already went to the dealer and got an estimate lol.

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If you have cell phone use or text use laws in Ca. then go after him. Don't bear the brunt of the repairs yourself. I think every state should have laws banning the use of those things while driving.

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oh we do. though I dont know if it applys while on private property or not. It is somthing Im going to be looking into. right now I will just be happy to get her in the shop and fix

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oh we do. though I dont know if it applys while on private property or not. It is somthing Im going to be looking into. right now I will just be happy to get her in the shop and fix


I believe it doesn't matter... if that were true I could go do donuts in front of the local grocery store without fear of consequences. Traffic safety laws are traffic safety laws.


I would certainly indicate in your statement to the insurance company that they were texting to further bolster the fact that the accident was the result of unsafe driving. The 'kid' needs to learn a lesson.


Too many times I've had close calls while some kid was in the lane next to me checking facebook or texting.

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Hope you got his insurance info. I know how you feel though. I had my Grand Prix exactly 3 days when a kid hit it. I didn't hit him, but he knew without any doubt how mad I was. He was about 17, and called his dad right away. The kid called my almost every day to find out how much it was going to cost him. But fortunately, I was able to buff out the scratches and there were no dents, so I let him off the hook. Kids just don't think as it is, and when you mix a cell phone into it, they think even less.

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I stated several times in both statements *one being recorded" that he was txting while driving and that he admited to me that he was indeed txting while driving. I should know in the next day or two how this goes down with the insurance. Man, I was looking forward to finally cutting my teeth on the pc. Frack lol.


Hopefully He did learn somthing from it. He looked like he pissed himself when I got out of the truck. I was calm with him, amazing considering how much I wanted to belt him. while we were exchanging info I just reinforced that txting like that is such a bad idea and that he single handedly wrecked someones vaction by txting his girly.

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Sorry to hear about your truck Jason.


Man, I was looking forward to finally cutting my teeth on the pc. Frack lol.


Maybe there is someone in your area that will let you "practice" on their ride!:D

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sorry to hear.. at least it wasnt on the road..


On the Saturday before Easter, we were at the firehouse selling Easter plants and a man was about to cross the street, so a Police Officer stopped his car to let him cross, and SCREEEEEECH.. a car almost rear ended the cop, and what was he doing? TEXTING.. the cop didnt see the texting, and decided to let him be and drive off, and what does the idiot continue to do right after? TEXT WHILE DRIVING AWAY, we screamed at him..

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Hey, hey guys. Hatin on kids. Not nearly as many of us text as you think. Still, even 1 is too many, but you don't give us enough credit. Remember that adults do plenty of stupid things in cars too. My mom got hit by someone applying makeup and my friend got his arm and leg broken by some guy who decided that eating his sandwich was more important than obeying the 4 way stop.


Just thought I should be representing us kids because I am like the only one under 20 on this forum, lol.

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