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Army Promotion Board in a week!


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So I will be going to the promotion board in the next week. Been studying a little bit here and there but I know I need to nail this to get closer to my E5. Its not the studying part that bothers me its being in front of a high ranking NCO (command sergeant major) while answering questions:D. I will try to keep in touch on here as much as possible but gonna need to cram a lot of info into my head before next week. That aside does anyone have a good study method or way to stand in front of a group of people without choking?

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So I will be going to the promotion board in the next week. Been studying a little bit here and there but I know I need to nail this to get closer to my E5. Its not the studying part that bothers me its being in front of a high ranking NCO (command sergeant major) while answering questions:D. I will try to keep in touch on here as much as possible but gonna need to cram a lot of info into my head before next week. That aside does anyone have a good study method or way to stand in front of a group of people without choking?


Yes. Coming from someone who's been on the side of asking the questions, and been the one being asked, this is what advice I would give you. I'm not sure of what the Army asks you though for promotion, we just test. Awards are sometimes in front of a board though.


1. Know the process and don't go in there blind. Meaning. In your confident how everything works..it will ease your fears a bit.


2. How is the room layed out. Ex. Do you have to walk straight in, do a left face, and then give your reporting statement? Get to know it, and practice it.


3. Find out what questions they ask you. Study, study, study. Being prepared will not only boost your confidence, but it will help stiffle your nervousness.


4. If you don't know the answer, don't bull**** them. I don't know, but I can definately find out for you sir!


Just off the top of my head....good luck.

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Just remember they put on their pants just like you do, they have just been in longer. Would recommend getting a mock board together, maybe your leadership can help with that. check out armystudyguide.com for board tips, just remember to be respectful and put CSM, or 1SG, or SFC in front of and at the end of all answers ;)


and like Dave said, don't b.s.

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Thanks guys. I've written up over 150 flashcards to run through. Just got to spend some time the next week or so studying my butt off ( they changed the board date due to the field exercise that is going on so I'll get a few extra weeks to study). My section sergeant is putting a mock board together for me before then too like Eric said. After being E4 for 3 years its time to stop bs'ing and get my 5. Thanks again everyone!

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Frid, I've been out of the Army for nearly four years, but I have a lot of board experience. With it being a promotion board, make sure that you know the NCO Creed through and through - it is a given they will have you do at least one part of it (and when they ask you to do the NCO Creed, ask permission to stand - always a nice touch). Also make sure you are knowledgeable with regards to soldier counselings.


A popular resource for us back in the day was ArmyStudyGuide.com - A FREE Online and Audio Army Board Study Guide for U.S. Army Promotion Boards and Soldier / NCO Boards. .... Look in to that if you already haven't. And make sure your uniform is perfect - it's easy points. :)


Good luck!



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  • 2 weeks later...

It's the E5 board. Once I get my promotable status I should only have to do some correspondance courses and a semester or 2 of college and I'll get my rank. I have the Mock board tomorrow. I really hope I don't make myself look jacked up. I'm confident that I'll nail it though.

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Well got done with the Mock board today. Was told by my 1SG that I did good except for being so nervous lol. He says that I need to study alittle more and I should be good to go for the promotion board.

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Whooo, where to begin? I have been on both sides of board, so there are many little tips and tricks.


First and foremost: Know your bio and make sure it flows. This is the first time you will speak to the board, so this is where your first impressions of your confidence and voice projection is made. Don't bog yourself down with a lot of dates, just stick to the big ones. Under pressure, it is easy to forget or mix dates and you will end up flustering yourself. This is also the one and only time you will be able to address the entire board at the same time..the rest of the time you will be speaking to members of the board individually. So make sure you scan the board and make eye contact with all of the board members while you give your bio. Look at it this way, you are a salesmen, and you're the product you're selling.


In addition to the bio, when you answer questions, you need to be sure you maintain eye contact. What I have seen a lot from Soldiers going to the board is looking away, especially when stumped on a question. You have to maintain your poker face. I also will suggest curling your fingers when are sitting at the position of attention. This was a trick I used to prevent sub-conscience tapping of my fingers.


Your uniform, should be inspected by your squad leader and platoon sergeant. Put your jacket on and have them take a look.


Is the board room carpeted? If so, make sure you practice your facing movements on carpet!


Studying is key. Like someone said before, being prepared definitely helps with the nerves. However, you cannot control what questions are asked. What you can control is how you answer, your uniform, your voice projection and military bearing. Master these things in mock boards and on your own (answering questions, saying your creeds or reciting your bio in a mirror works wonders too).


I hope that wasn't information overload! I am happy to help with any questions.

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All your information was exactly what my squad leader had given me before I went. You nailed it. I nailed the soldier's creed, NCO creed, and bio. I thought I wouldn't be able to maintain my composure while in it (was my biggest fear) but surprisingly I did very well doing it. I got a little quiet after a question I got wrong but spoke loud when I knew a question. My uniform was pretty ate up due to the fact they told us it would be ACU's for the mock board and then the day before it said it was class A's. I had still had my class A's bagged up from WLC the week before so I had no time at all to get the cleaned. But yeah my squad leader told me that there is another Mock board next week, but all in all they said I did pretty good for my very first board. Just need to find time to study. Our CSM making us work through the weekend to clean tents....I really don't see that a priority to take away soldiers' weekend.

Thanks for the advice!

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Had some great news delivered to me early yesterday. For us aiding the massive flood here in Korea, that they say has been the worst in 100 years a few months ago, we are receiving the Presidential Unit Citation award. Nice to see we are being recognized.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Well. Got the board done over and done with today. Was actually less nervous in front of all the diamonds and star than our company boards. So all in all they say I improved dramatically from the previous MOCK boards and that I will make a great leader and NCO. So as of today I have my promotable status. Thanks everyone who gave me advice and for all the support! Now to get my points to get my rank :D

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biggest 2 are weapons and PT qual. After that I'd recommend Correspondence Course (make sure you do the WHOLE course, not subcourses.) Google "Migrated ACCP Classes" there will be some BIG hour classes there, could also take online or local college courses if you have the time. Also, would recommend WLC if you haven't already been, its 80 points for SPC->SGT

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