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Is There Any harmful Chem's In Adams Products?


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I found out after working with and using Car Bright products for over a year now that half of them have proven cancer causing agents (I guess proved or accepted by the health administration) inside about half of the product line (mentioned above) that I use/breath in on a daily basis! I am certainly taking more precautions with them now, and have failed to convince my limo company to switch to <?xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com><st1:place w:st=</st1:place>Adams , going on six months now:mad:


<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-comP><P><FONT color=black><FONT face=Verdana>My question is this, does any <st1:place w:st=</st1:place>Adams product currently have any Chem's in them that I should be concerned about? I own all most every detail product that <st1:place w:st="on">Adams</st1:place> sells!



Does anyone else that details on a daily basis where mask's when they detail in there garages?



Maybe I'm being over cautious! <o:p></o:p>

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I don't think you're being overly cautious. It's your health, so you should be mindful of what soaks into your skin and what you breath. I always wear nitrile gloves when using strong chemicals (APC at full strength, etc.) if I expect to have prolonged exposure. I don't wear them when I am doing the wheels, as I am using brushes, but do wear them when cleaning the pads and brushes, and I am doing any cleaning with a towel.


Dylan may be able to provide you with the MSDS documentation.

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Honestly, its never a good idea to work with any detailing chemicals in an enclosed area. Always make sure theres adequate ventilation and wear latex or nitrile gloves when possible even if the product doesn't have a cancer or inhalant warning.


The aerosols (Quick Sealant and In & Out) are probably the most "dangerous" of the bunch but thats more the propellants than anything else and so long as you're not huffing them you're fine. Stuff like APC, GWC, GC, WW, etc are all biodegradable organic products so no concerns there.

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Um, if there weren't chemicals in the products............they'd be food! :lolsmack:


So listen to Dylan. Don't inhale them, don't rub the leather conditioner on your skin for sunscreen, and don't eat them. :jester:

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They're all harmful...to your wallet! :D


tell me about, but its sooo worth it. me being in korea for a year (just got here 2 weeks ago) and i can't detail anything! let alone drive. its killing me. at least this forum is a fix to hold me over, i miss the smell of vrt and DS...

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Thanks guys, I'm just your everyday detailer tick off at those sub- par products that seem to be very harmful to people that use them. Thank goodness for Adams!


Thanks Rich for the joke lol, I'm sure everyone knew that I ment harmful and dangerous chems.

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They're all harmful...to your wallet! :D
Speak for yourself.;) it's cheaper than having to pay a Therapist for OCD.:2thumbs:


Seriously. Have adult asthma and according to the doctor probably caused by exposure to chemicals dust and second hand smoke. It sux being very sensitive to everything in the air it seems. However to tell you the truth the only Adams product that I have had issue with is the In and Out Spray (love the stuff but like Dylan said it is probably more the propellant than anything) The Green Wheel Cleaner has been a godsend because every other one I tried had me choking and huffing on the inhaler. Some if not most of those wheel cleaners are NASTY.

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Thanks guys, I'm just your everyday detailer tick off at those sub- par products that seem to be very harmful to people that use them.


I would recommend getting the MSDS (Material Safety Data Sheets) documents for the products you are using at work.

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