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NanoSkin Towels

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I have been hear/reading alot of hype concerning Nanoskin towels.


Was wondering if Adams had anythingin the works similar to these cause


lets face it claying is not fun. :willy:


I have seen a few vids and they seem to take the effort out of claying yet


produce the same results.

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Yep saw that VID and many more, talked to a Detailer who swears by them he no longer clays, He gets about 100 cars out of one towel and about 60 out of the Autoscrub pad basically Nanotowel for a DA.

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there is actually a detailer thats on here and swares by nanoskin instead of claying. I think his name is dave and is from Innovative Detailing. hes got quite abit of pictures on his facebook of him using it.


Ive looked it up and watched company videos and have seen daves pictures and it seems to work out really nice. I would be curious too to know if adams is coming out with something like this, sure seems like a time saver.

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I am not familar with these, but I am not hearing great things about the reusable "clay" blocks. They are being blamed for marring some clearcoats. That is not too much of an issue if you are doing a full correction, but not so good if you are only doing a clay and wax.

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Here are my questions: Where are the contaminants going? Somehow the towel is pulling them from the paint surface, but with a towel, you can't "fold in" the contaminants, like you can with clay.


And other that the pressure used, how is this any easier than claying?

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Meh, I'll stick to my clay bar. Less towels to wash at the end of the day!


no its not a towel, its something you put on your PC, the towels are just to remove the special lubricant from what i read. I could be wrong and mis interpreted what the OP was talking about.


Here is what i was talking about.


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I think there's promise here....


It's hard to question the current results, he's posted a bunch on here and his results are amazing. I would question though on how many cars can be done with one towel. Very intersting...remember every product has to start somewhere.

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no its not a towel, its something you put on your PC, the towels are just to remove the special lubricant from what i read. I could be wrong and mis interpreted what the OP was talking about.


Here is what i was talking about.



There seem to be both...the video in post 2 is just a towel type thing that gets rubbed on the surface with no pressure...other than that...some as claying...


I still wanna know where the contaminants go...and with the PC type attachment, I dunno about that either...I like to feel/hear the clay working on the surface.

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Well from what i saw in the vid contaminants are on the towel coated in this nanoskin material if you see the vid you will see it in action.




Here are my questions: Where are the contaminants going? Somehow the towel is pulling them from the paint surface, but with a towel, you can't "fold in" the contaminants, like you can with clay.


And other that the pressure used, how is this any easier than claying?

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Yes, but again.. Not an Adams product, therefore I will not be discussing it here as this thread will probably be locked.


Mind sending me a pm on your experience/thoughts/comparison?

This is very interesting.

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Well from what i saw in the vid contaminants are on the towel coated in this nanoskin material if you see the vid you will see it in action.


That was my understanding from watching it initially last night, and my question and concern still remains. I'm seeing it this way...you constantly turn and "flap" a wax buffing towel so that the towel surface isn't coated with removed wax, right? So how do you prevent the newly lifted contaminants from being dragged all over the surface, since you can't fold it in like clay?


Not criticizing, just wondering.

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We've tested this and similar 'clay alternative' products with less than stellar results. Nothing in the works as of now simply due to the fact that if we were to replace the clay in our line with something else it would have to perform as well or better than traditional clay... at this point nothing we have tested does.


Since this isn't a product we support or sell though I'm gonna close this thread now.

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