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my new website can i get some opinions? Please!


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I am having my website redone and we are just about finished. There are a few areas that are unfinished and will be tonight or tomorrow.


He's ask me to get a punch list together for any final changes before i sign off on it. I wanted to get real world opinions and views of my new website, and what better place then here! :)


The bottom will be finished off, along with some misspellings and grammar issues on pages. Once i gain access to the site ill upload my portfolio and update the testimonials.


TIA i really appreciate it. Any criticism no matter how harsh is cool too. Or if any of you guys/gals have suggestions I would appreciate it.


Signature Sound & Video | Serving New Jersey, Pennsylvania & Delaware

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First impression: it set off my McAfee site adviser.




Line the "Learn more" buttons up with each other. It took me a second to see it on the right side.

I think the arrow that pops up when you hover over the page tabs is a bid excessive.

I would rearrange some of the page tabs. I feel like the order of importance is pretty scattered.


Also, I feel like the border on the S in your logo sigsv_logos1.png is poorly blended. The edges look choppy.



Those are my observations, take em or leave em :P


Best of luck on your new venture sir!

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-I would spell out Phone and Fax, instead of P and F. And darker letters for your email and website

-Instead of "8 step", I would say "Our 8 Steps"



-I would do a darker grey for the letters/words for the entire site since the background is white, if someone had bad eyes, they might not be able to read/see that as easy. Maybe the same grey as the top banner


The more I look a this, the more I don't care for it. Depending on which page your on, the light grey words are almost hard to see for me. I don't have the best/worst vision, but it's almost like it's trying to blend in instead of being seen.




Just little stuff, site overall looks good.

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Overall it flows good to me.


The tab buttons highlighting is not consistent. They start off grey, then white out when you select one, but don't all return to grey. The ones on the right go grey but not the ones on the left.

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It definitly looks very professional. There are a few tweeks to the lay out but it appears that every time I log onto the site something has changed/improved. It is coming along very nicely.

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thanks guys, keep it coming please! that whole top bar is getting rearranged, was already in the plans but he said its one of the last things that will get done.


The McAfee warning is interesting too as i dont get it. Some others have said they are getting a warning too and that is defiantly not good for business :rooleyes:


I have knoticed the logo not looking quite right on the site, that outline is however part of my logo so im not sure how to get that fixed without having the logo redone :confused: EDIT: my old site doesnt seem to have the issue so maybe its how he resized it. Will talk to him about that.


Overall it flows good to me.


The tab buttons highlighting is not consistent. They start off grey, then white out when you select one, but don't all return to grey. The ones on the right go grey but not the ones on the left.


Just curious, are you using google chrome as your browser? In Firefox/IE/Safari the bar looks perfect however 2/4 PCs in my house that have chrome installed are showing this issue, including mine. the other two have chrome but its displayed properly. i wonder if this is a PC issue of sorts or something else.


Guys please keep this coming this is fantastic! Im about to roll out an extremely aggressive/expensive ad campaign and i need my site to be perfect.

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The tab buttons highlighting is not consistent. They start off grey, then white out when you select one, but don't all return to grey. The ones on the right go grey but not the ones on the left.


Just curious, are you using google chrome as your browser? In Firefox/IE/Safari the bar looks perfect however 2/4 PCs in my house that have chrome installed are showing this issue, including mine. the other two have chrome but its displayed properly. i wonder if this is a PC issue of sorts or something else.


Yes I was using Chrome.


I am looking from work now (behind a firewall) and cannot really see anything. The buttons don't show up, just a 'tree' on the left side. Could be work on the site or could be my firewall.

A friend has a store on his website and I cannot view the product pictures for the items because they are hosted (same issue on the forums), but I can see your pictures when I drill into the subsections ("TV Installation", etc.)

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Put your contact info on the home page also - don't make people do any extra work to find it.


contact us box at the bottom of the page has been added and ill have the phone number added somewhere below or above the social media icons. Thanks! :thumbsup:


Yes I was using Chrome.


I am looking from work now (behind a firewall) and cannot really see anything. The buttons don't show up, just a 'tree' on the left side. Could be work on the site or could be my firewall.

A friend has a store on his website and I cannot view the product pictures for the items because they are hosted (same issue on the forums), but I can see your pictures when I drill into the subsections ("TV Installation", etc.)


Chrome issue is fixed, special coding had to be installed for it to work.


As far as what your seeing, that is interesting. do most sites look funky? your IT guy must have your settings set super high. can do me a favor and go to 39Websites - Home and Axent Digital and see how they show up. all of those are using wordpress (same as mine) im wondering if your IT guy has wordpress scripts blocked

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As far as what your seeing, that is interesting. do most sites look funky? your IT guy must have your settings set super high. can do me a favor and go to 39Websites - Home and Axent Digital and see how they show up. all of those are using wordpress (same as mine) im wondering if your IT guy has wordpress scripts blocked


Most sites are fine, but I cannot see video on any sites. The 39Websites page looks fine, however the Axent Digital is the 'tree' structure like yours (and just checked yours again, no change for me).


I'll check Chrome again from home this evening.


I'll be glad to be the 'extreme firewall' checker, just respond here or send me a PM.

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Couple notes/comments:

1) Huge improvement from old site, much more professional looking

2) Agreed with other poster on tab order/number - suggestions:

Home Why us? Services Current Offer Contact Us About


Suggestions: Slide reasons under why us, link to testimonials on same page


3) Bread crumb (line under title of page) -- text too light

4) Services drop down - text too light

5) Email and web link (all pages) -- text too light

6) Services page - link colors -- text too light

7) Testimonials page, -- my English teacher would say where are the closing quotes?

8) About -- leaves me feeling like I don't know anything ABOUT YOU (or your staff)

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Guys this is awesome!


hes currently working through it all, i sent him a punch list and a link to this page and as you can notice alot of your comments/suggestions have been put into the site.


Unfortunately my logo is stuck looking like that, nothing i can do about that except have it redone. :(


there are still some minor things that are currently being worked through but its changed alot since last night :)


Signature Sound & Video | Serving New Jersey, Pennsylvania & Delaware


again thanks guys i really appreciate it!

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1) Links in drop downs are still too light...

2) Not sure you can pre-load pages but I noticed some wait time when loading a page for the first time... seems less of an issue after it has been loaded/cached....

3) Home page > Consider linking pages from images as well.

4) Testimonials: Can you add a blurb as to what was done or some pics?

5) Testimonials: Mark and Lisa: The completed project has exceeded our every expectation and we would not hesitate to recommend him to family and friends. [Grammar correction]

Hope this helps....

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1) Links in drop downs are still too light...

2) Not sure you can pre-load pages but I noticed some wait time when loading a page for the first time... seems less of an issue after it has been loaded/cached....

3) Home page > Consider linking pages from images as well.

4) Testimonials: Can you add a blurb as to what was done or some pics?

5) Testimonials: Mark and Lisa: The completed project has exceeded our every expectation and we would not hesitate to recommend him to family and friends. [Grammar correction]

Hope this helps....


Grammar correction. :)

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