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is ScratchX when removing scratches and or swirls/waterspots?


After seeing several swirls, fine scratches, and waterspots show up on my Challenger I have decided I will no longer allow anyone to touch my baby but me. I am a newbie to detailing and have been reading a lot of information to obtain a good maintenance routine but I keep hearing about all sorts of products it gets kind of confusing. My question is how effective is scratchX when removing scratches and or swirls/waterspots? Has anyone here used it?


It seems to me that, as advertised, scratchx does the same job as wet sanding does for scratches or white vinegar does for waterspots. Just trying to solidify a plan for my car. Maybe later I will upload some pix of my car and the areas of it im trying to restore.

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[begin rant]

I know I am going to raise the ire of the mods, and perhaps Adam himself but I can't remain silent any longer.... You made a statement that Adam pays for the forum himself... I have to ask... where does he get that coin? (More on this and why I think it is smart business practice for Adam to have this forum below)


Also in my (primary) job I MUST do due care evaluation on competitive products. Having a forum that is as strict as I have seen the Adam's forum be on not mentioning competitive products REALLY rankles me... I for one want to know why I am buying Adam's over the competition. This would inspire confidence in my choice and reduce any possible buyer's remorse. And hell... it just feels un-American!!!


Now, I appreciate all the advice and time spent by Adam, and his staff, and the mods on the forum. It is rare to have the CEO himself actually respond to folks (although I think that should NOT be the case.. another rant for another day). But there is a huge upside to having this community, which is a tremendous word-of-mouth resource to help Adam build his company! Adam, like any other smart business man, is making use of the social aspect of this community, and I'm behind that 100%.


Now maybe it's just because I hate having information withheld from me (I'm a big picture kind of guy), maybe it's because I see/have seen information control abused too often, but controlling information in this online community this way I find VERY upsetting. It doesn't allow me to get feedback from other detailing fanatics on comparisons (hopefully unbiased) between the awesome Adams polishes and other brands. This kind of almost dictatorial control on the community rubs up against my sense of free speech, fair play, and the free market system...




I may be in the minority, but I needed to get that off my chest... I realize this thread may be closed, or my post deleted... but I needed to risk that to express my feelings on this issue... :patriot:


Mike: I know a little of what you may be going through. I've been using Adam's products for quite awhile now. And I'd be lying if I said I haven't went to some of the "other" detailing forums and checked out their products. In fact I purchased a couple of things (not any liquid or spray products) thinking that they had to be better than what I purchased from

Adam. However, after receving them, I could have donated the money I spent.


They looked extremely practical/useful - tried them - immediately went right back to Adam's.


In my so called qwest for a better product and reading a lot - an awful lot of information from other detailing forums, there was absolutely no detailing forum/s that gives you the warranty Adam does. And to me, that is one huge selling point.


I'm a wax/polish freak and believe me, tried most of what's on the market. My own personal opinion - none, none came close to producing the end results that I wanted except those products from Adam's.


Additionally I do go on Google quite often to see if I can find a product/s that may be close to what Adam sells. If I feel that may be the case, I may purchase one or two of them. But again, I might as well donated my money to some charity because they did not meet my expectations.


I can only view it as a "trial & error." My wife calls it waisting money because she's seen the results on her new Mercedes.


By no means am I trying to take sides here. I respect your opinion. I greatly appreciate the type of business man Adam is.


But as Dylan said "it's not a true detailers forum, it's a place where anybody can come who feels they need help with their detailing skills and if they make a mistake, you've got a huge bunch of great guys who are, in a heartbeat, willing to drop what they are doing to help a guy out. To me, that's what this forum is all about. If it doesn't meet Adam's expectations then he simply won't sell it. :2thumbs:

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All those are fixable... Like Michael said, on the chip, use Dr. Colorchip or Langka. Both work well.


The scratches would take 10 minutes max with my flex, SHR, and FMP.



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The first and third pictures look fixable. Using the clay bar and polishes (probably start with SHR on those spots) should take care of them. It may take several section passes to get them 'disappeared'.

The second pic does look like a chip in the paint and you would need some type of touch up paint to fill in the void. Folks on here have had good results with Dr. Colorchip and Langka systems.

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The first picture is from my rear bumper. There are actually two spots like that on the bumper. The second picture is from what appears to possibly be a paint chip? Seems like the paint rubbed off or something. The third picture shows some fine scratches on the hood of the car.


None of these marks catch my fingernails. I just want to know how to best go about fixing these problems because I dont want ANYONE to touch my baby but me!!


And the car is pretty dirty in these pictures been raining all week here. Black paint.

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Thank you for understanding Mike. I know that gets a little lost in the translation... but its partially b/c we are a unique place on the web for this type of business. There aren't many other forums run specifically by the manufactures, and certainly none that are as accessible as this one is.

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Thanks for your response.... I guess because of the immersive, expansive nature of the site I hadn't seen it as strictly a support site. I will adjust my posting behavior and expectations accordingly.


I understand completely not wanting to answer questions about other vendors products (and usage) and that was never my point... thanks again for your clarification.

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But if "brand x" was better, Adam would reformulate to top it anyway.


This is why you see new or reformulated products coming out! Adam is HUGELY passionate about this and he always strives to be the best.



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Please understand something... this isn't so much a DETAILING FORUM as it is a SUPPORT FORUM. The support is for our products - how to use them, how to care for them, and general things of that nature. I know this gets confused a lot, and some people see it as an issue. If you view this place as what it actually is - an extension of our customer support and service network - its clear why we wouldn't provide space for competitors products. It no more different than calling our 866#, emailing our tips line, or jumping on live chat and receive support for competitors products.


Plain and simple - This forum is not an open detailing discussion board. It is another channel thru which our customers can get support and information about the products as well as interact with eachother and our team. Thats it!


Its not some dishonest agenda of ours where we're attempting to fool people into believing we're the only detail products company in the world. We're not 'withholding information' from you or anyone... this forum exists as a support tool for our products. Our customers are smart enough to know there are alternatives out there, and I'm sure they are capable of finding somewhere to learn about them. It just won't be here.

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If you want the "Big Picture" go to a detailing website. This website was designed to help people work through any issues with Adams products and to add ideas on how to use the products.


When I say Adam, I mean him and HIS corporation Adams Polishes. I don't mean he pays for it out of his wallet. IMO it's one in the same. I say that as a company owner. What do you think a forum costs? It's not that much! We admin and mods don't get paid. We do this to make the forum a better place.


Adams extensively tests competitors products and compares constantly. If you send a message to one of the team members, and they've used the products in the past, they'll tell you their honest opinion of them.


So if you had your own product and there was a competitors product as well, you'd be OK with people freely talking up and promoting the competitors product on your website?


Unfortunately for you this isn't a democracy on here. It's a semi-dictatorship with Adam/s being the dictator. There are detailing specific sites where you're free to talk about any product you want.



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Just so you're aware going forward, this is an Adams Polishes forum, paid for by Adam himself. Therefore we try to keep the amount of competition chatter to a minimum. Asking if this (insert adams product) is comparable to (XXXX product) is MORE than OK, but asking out and out questions about competitive products or reviewing their products is against the forums rules.

Thanks for understanding! :2thumbs:



[begin rant]

I know I am going to raise the ire of the mods, and perhaps Adam himself but I can't remain silent any longer.... You made a statement that Adam pays for the forum himself... I have to ask... where does he get that coin? (More on this and why I think it is smart business practice for Adam to have this forum below)


Also in my (primary) job I MUST do due care evaluation on competitive products. Having a forum that is as strict as I have seen the Adam's forum be on not mentioning competitive products REALLY rankles me... I for one want to know why I am buying Adam's over the competition. This would inspire confidence in my choice and reduce any possible buyer's remorse. And hell... it just feels un-American!!!


Now, I appreciate all the advice and time spent by Adam, and his staff, and the mods on the forum. It is rare to have the CEO himself actually respond to folks (although I think that should NOT be the case.. another rant for another day). But there is a huge upside to having this community, which is a tremendous word-of-mouth resource to help Adam build his company! Adam, like any other smart business man, is making use of the social aspect of this community, and I'm behind that 100%.


Now maybe it's just because I hate having information withheld from me (I'm a big picture kind of guy), maybe it's because I see/have seen information control abused too often, but controlling information in this online community this way I find VERY upsetting. It doesn't allow me to get feedback from other detailing fanatics on comparisons (hopefully unbiased) between the awesome Adams polishes and other brands. This kind of almost dictatorial control on the community rubs up against my sense of free speech, fair play, and the free market system...




I may be in the minority, but I needed to get that off my chest... I realize this thread may be closed, or my post deleted... but I needed to risk that to express my feelings on this issue... :patriot:

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+1 as a former Scratch-X customer that wasn't satisfied with the results. Adam's Swirl & Haze, on a PC, is the way to go. :thumbsup:


Where are you located? Maybe there's a customer or dealer nearby that could give you a quick demo. Or see if there are any upcoming clinics near you -- the Adam's team always has time to work a little magic on a customer car to show how it's done.




Im located in Northern California...The bay area. How can I find a customer or dealer? I would be very interested in that. Just need to know where to look.

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Scratch X has TON of fillers in it... Don't expect the scratches to stay gone for very long!


FMP or SHR are a MUCH better product. If you're looking for more of a paint cleaner, Revive is THE BOMB!


Just so you're aware going forward, this is an Adams Polishes forum, paid for by Adam himself. Therefore we try to keep the amount of competition chatter to a minimum. Asking if this (insert adams product) is comparable to (XXXX product) is MORE than OK, but asking out and out questions about competitive products or reviewing their products is against the forums rules.


Thanks for understanding! :2thumbs:


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+1 as a former Scratch-X customer that wasn't satisfied with the results. Adam's Swirl & Haze, on a PC, is the way to go. :thumbsup:


Where are you located? Maybe there's a customer or dealer nearby that could give you a quick demo. Or see if there are any upcoming clinics near you -- the Adam's team always has time to work a little magic on a customer car to show how it's done.



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Tried the Scratch-X stuff a while back (before I was using Adam's) and was not impressed at all.


Stick with the suggestions above. In the meantime get the pics of the areas you are concerned about and allow for the great minds of this amazing site to help with their input.

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Better than scratch-x...


Adam's Swirl & Haze Remover Polish


and if it's really bad...

Adam's Severe Swirl Remover Polish


^^^ This. I would go with the adams stuff, people have more experience with it around here mostly. Also i have heard of scratchx leaving hazing if not properly used, including my own experience.

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