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"you'll love this stuff!!"


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Pushy sales man: “excuse me sir…do you have a second to hear about our product?”

“whatcha got?”

Pushy sales man: *points to booth* “revolutionary car detailing spray!”

“I use Adam’s Polish.”

Pushy sales man: “oh. well uh thanks for your time.”


LMFAO true story, minutes ago.


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What's with these guys? I see them at almost every gas station I pass these days. I'm actually tired of telling them to stop approaching me with their snake oil.



If you're like me, you carry a 16oz. DS hangin' from your jeans pocket all day. I see them approach, and I Pistol Pete them!


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Ya, almost every time I stop at a gas station, they flock to me because they think I'm some dumb blonde who is going to buy their crap. Every time they approach I say, "Do NOT touch my car." One guy even walked away once and called me a b**ch. LOL.

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Ya, almost every time I stop at a gas station, they flock to me because they think I'm some dumb blonde who is going to buy their crap. Every time they approach I say, "Do NOT touch my car." One guy even walked away once and called me a b**ch. LOL.


He was just heartbroken he didn't even get a chance to ask for your number.


If I ever see anyone approach me or my ride while I'm at a gas station and even think about putting their hands on either me or my ride, heads will roll. I mean that in the most kind and loving way possible :jester:

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I'd never seen any of those guys here in the DC area until a few weeks ago I came across one at a gas station up near Annapolis. Pretty scuzzy looking salesmen. If that was at a station I frequented I would have told the owner to kick them off the property as I'd not be coming back as long as they were there. I REALLY wouldn't want them approaching my wife when she was alone.

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I was actually car jacked at the same exact gas station these scuzzy people sell at about 7 years ago. So I TRY and be mean so no one will come near me. Always watch your back at a gas station. I learned that hard lesson.


so what you're saying is next time it should go...


Pushy sales man: “excuse me sir…do you have a second to hear about..AHHHHH MY $%&*^ING EYES!!!"




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I was actually car jacked at the same exact gas station these scuzzy people sell at about 7 years ago. So I TRY and be mean so no one will come near me. Always watch your back at a gas station. I learned that hard lesson.

Thankfully I've never been robbed, but for some reason I often get approached at gas stations. I try to look like a badass at all times*, but apparently I can't help but give off a friendly vibe.:hi: Quite often when I'm filling up my motorcycle, someone will come over and say "nice bike" or tell me about one they own(ed), and I'm cool with that- I'll talk bikes or cars with anyone regardless of what they're into. (several weeks ago an old-timer spent a good 10 minutes telling me some cool stories about bikes he'd had over the years). But too often they'll ask for money or want to sell me something, etc. and you're pretty vulnerable out in the open like that...even with a helmet on!

Though I suppose a well-aimed fuel nozzle could make an effective weapon...



*highly unlikely

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same guys?? the dude with the completely self-mirror-cut mohawk??:lol:


I've filled the SS up there I think!


Whenever I'm at the gas station and I see those dudes, for real, if they approach me, I make the eye contact that says, "Ask me how I am, REALLY."


Usually, they get the hint.

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Pushy sales man: “excuse me sir…do you have a second to hear about our product?”

“whatcha got?”

Pushy sales man: *points to booth* “revolutionary car detailing spray!”

“I use Adam’s Polish.”

Pushy sales man: “oh. well uh thanks for your time.”


LMFAO true story, minutes ago.



Too bad that wasn't a reflection shot. I'm too old to look too bad a$$, so I go for the "this guy is crazy and might bight off a finger" look.

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I had a girl walk up to me outside the grocery store and said hey you got a minute? I said to her, that depends, you have plans for dinner Friday night? She looked completely shocked and walked away.


Never seen anyone come up with detail supplies outside a gas station.

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