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All Star Break!


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It's the All Star Break.  Time to take stock of your team.


What does your team need to do to get to the playoffs?  I think it's going to be pretty busy up to the trading deadline because there's still so many teams with a good chance.


I'll start with my local team - the Texas Rangers.


They're making a move toward Matt Garza.  While I don't think this is a BAD idea I DO think the Rangers would do better to add a BAT.  There are several proven pitchers getting ready to rejoin the team in the next few weeks.  They will be well rested and ready to roll into the end of the season.


I know they've talked about bringing Manny up (God help us...) and we definitely need the bat at DH I'm not sure he's the solution.  As much as I love David Murphy he's just not cutting it as an everyday player.  How great would it be to see Michael Cuddyer in left field?


Just a couple of tweaks will get the Rangers in a good position to finish the season strong and treat the A's the way they got treated last year.


What about YOUR team?

Edited by Beemer
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I'm both an Indians and Pirates fan.  What are these mystical rituals you call playoffs?


Been there.


I think the Pirates have a great opportunity this year.  It's going to be tough to unseat the Cards but they have a great chance at a wild-card berth if they can keep that terrific record up.


I'm not sure what they need to do to improve the team before the trading deadline....  Probably a starting pitcher.


The Indians have a ways to go.....

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Rockies are in the worst division in baseball, have three people starting in the Game tonight, and have no clear #1 pitchers, only 2 #2s, and a bunch of #4s.  I expect them to not do anything and cop out with over evaluating their talent, instead of trying to get a starter in here, for Michael Cuddyer.




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A complete do-over of the first half is all the Angels need. 

This can be said for the Blue Jays too.  Although below 500 and 11 games back of the red sox, they do that the talent to make up some lost ground.  Disappointing with so many skilled individuals in the lineup, they just can't seem to get all cylinders firing at the same time.  Stretches of good pitching and bad hitting, or good hitting and bad pitching have left them where the are today.  I'd like to see a move for a reliable starter, as quite a few games are lost in the first couple innings.  When dickey is on he is on, but like all knuckleballers, when he is off, it is a derby for the opponent.   I'm liking Reyes back on SS.  Loved with Kawasaki was up from AAA, he seemed to single handedly bring up the spirits of the team.  Unfortunately, he isn't all that reliable behind the plate, he'd be nice at 2B in Bonefacios spot, but defensive talent is equal, and offensive talent favours Bonefacio.


Looking forward to the 2nd half, us jays fans have not seend post season baseball since 1993, Toronto, and quite frankly Canada could really use that.  As sad as it is to say, baseball is losing a lot of momentum with the youth and i think a nice run for the Jays could spark some more interest.

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Beemer I kind of agree with you. These pitchers on DL keep having setbacks so I guess we will see how that goes. Soria could be a good starter but they have him splitting the 8th inning for now. We do need the bats to heat up again but I think we can definitely work with what we already have.

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A complete do-over of the first half is all the Angels need. 


Wow.  That's some hard-hitting analysis right there.


Seriously, though.  Will LAAofA be buyers?  Sellers?  Stand-pat-ers?  What's the scuttle?

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Beemer I kind of agree with you. These pitchers on DL keep having setbacks so I guess we will see how that goes. Soria could be a good starter but they have him splitting the 8th inning for now. We do need the bats to heat up again but I think we can definitely work with what we already have.


Soria has been a closer for a while.  I don't think the Rangers ever had ideas to start him.

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A's and Giants fan here.


The A's are, if you look at payrolls within the division, are over achieving once again this year. But this is a result of smart front office, smart managing, good pitching and great team chemistry. They need to simply keep doing what they have been doing, although I worry about how much more late inning heroics they have left in them. I know it will serve them well in the post season, but you cant go a whole season like that. Personally, I am thrilled that LAA haven't been able to Miami Heat themselves into contenders thus far.


The Giants are lucky they are in a bad division, so they aren't truly out of it despite their massive slump heading into the break. Their typically rock-solid pitching, Timmy's no hitter not withstanding, has been poor and they just have been losing those slugfest with other teams. They are going to need another bat or two to get back in it if their pitching doesn't get back on track going down the stretch.

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A's and Giants fan here.


The A's are, if you look at payrolls within the division, are over achieving once again this year. But this is a result of smart front office, smart managing, good pitching and great team chemistry. They need to simply keep doing what they have been doing, although I worry about how much more late inning heroics they have left in them. I know it will serve them well in the post season, but you cant go a whole season like that. Personally, I am thrilled that LAA haven't been able to Miami Heat themselves into contenders thus far.



I like the A's and have always been amazed at what they have been able to do with limited resources (same with the Rays).  However - do you think they will EVER be able to turn that philosophy into a World Series victory?  It's one thing to be better than you should be - it's another to actually be a champ.


I think the difference is depth.  The A's can't afford to lose anyone where a team with more resources can at least attempt to make up for it.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Ugh.... looks like the Halos are going to be sellers. Not that I'm terribly surprised, we are too far out to even thing about contending and heading the wrong way in the standings. 


Scott Downs to Atalanta for a mediocre RHP. Good for Atlanta, bad for Anaheim. Though Scotty Downs was a FA at the end of the year so I guess that played a role. 


AP is out for the rest of the season... maybe even the start of next after they let him play with that screwed up plantar issue. I blame the staff for that. They should've shut him down early and let him heal, now its surgery and a long recovery time. 


It only took us Blanton starting out 2 - 13 to decide he didn't belong in the starting rotation... as if the point when he was 0 - 10 wasn't a good indicator. 


I thought it couldn't have been a much bigger fiasco this year than 2012... they proved me wrong. Another terrible start, some bad decisions, and injuries. Looking forward to another fresh start in 2014... though as soon as a 6 figure free agent hitter is on the market I'm sure we'll pillage what little is left of the farm system to get him. 


Silver lining is that I didn't spring for my season seats this year, so I saved a boatload there ;)

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I feel bad for Angels fans right now.  There was a lot of hope and potential that either because of poor performance or injury, isn't going to pan out and it WILL cost people their jobs now.


The Red Sox just signed Pedroia to an extension last week, and I LOVE it!  SO Good for the locker room.  Jacoby Ellsbury will probably end up walking (pending UFA) because of his agent...Scott Boras.  Being that the Sox are in the dead heat of a pennant chase, I don't see them trading him off because they need him.  However, Jackie Bradley is certainly proving down in the 'Tucket that he's ready.


The Rockies...longest home stand of the year they just completed, and TANKED it bad.  This team has (adding them all up) two starting pitchers and maybe a half.  DeLaRosa and Chatwood give us the best chance to win...so 2/5 days we have a chance to win, that means we always have a chance of being .400.  Not a way to compete.  No consistent power at 1B, no back end to the rotation, a hole at 2B, lingering injuries to our "stars", and an overworked bullpen are going to make them 90 game losers again.

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The Rockies...longest home stand of the year they just completed, and TANKED it bad.  This team has (adding them all up) two starting pitchers and maybe a half.  DeLaRosa and Chatwood give us the best chance to win...so 2/5 days we have a chance to win, that means we always have a chance of being .400.  Not a way to compete.  No consistent power at 1B, no back end to the rotation, a hole at 2B, lingering injuries to our "stars", and an overworked bullpen are going to make them 90 game losers again.


So why didn't the Rocks let Cudyer go?  They don't still think they can win the division, do they?

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Ranger fans aren't very happy right now. Management stepped up and grabbed the best arm available and Garza won his first game but the offense has REALLY tanked.  They've one two games since the All-Star Break.  Two shut-outs in a row.


And the pending Nellie Cruz suspension is hanging over everything.


Not good.


But - hey!  Look at the Dodgers go!

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I thought it couldn't have been a much bigger fiasco this year than 2012... they proved me wrong. Another terrible start, some bad decisions, and injuries. Looking forward to another fresh start in 2014... though as soon as a 6 figure free agent hitter is on the market I'm sure we'll pillage what little is left of the farm system to get him. 


Maybe it's the beginning of the end for long-term contracts to guys in their 30's. It's almost ALWAYS a bad bet - unless you happen to be dealing w/ Derek Jeter.

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Maybe it's the beginning of the end for long-term contracts to guys in their 30's. It's almost ALWAYS a bad bet - unless you happen to be dealing w/ Derek Jeter.


yeah not too bad...yanks cant hit a home run in a month he comes back and gets 2...

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