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Porsche people step in....


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Local person has a 1985 928S for sale. 126k on it. Manual tranny. Paint looks like crap, hood definitely needs painting. Asdking $6800 for it.

I've been on the lookout for a daily driver/track car. This might fit the bill.


Any opinions?

Edited by GXPaycheck
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I've always wanted one of those, too, but the maintenance/repair cost possibilities scare the crap out of me. Remember, you're talking about a 28 year old car here... it's probably going to need a ton of stuff besides paint correction. Think suspension (shocks and bushings), steering bushings, tie rods, etc, plus vacuum hoses, radiator hoses, fuel lines, filters, transmission lines if it has a tranny cooler, and on an on. And then imagine if the alternator goes, the fuel pump goes, the headlights stop popping up, the AC quits, the heater core gets plugged... and on, and on, and on.... 

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Agreed, maintenance and repairs could easily eclipse the purchase price. The S models are nice though. If you could pick it up and tinker, bring it back slowly, but I wouldn't suggest a track car out of it.


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My dad had an '88 928S2 back in '88 and it was an awesome car.  The problem with them is they're MONEY to repair.  Anything before the S2 will be down on power and IMO not the best looking 928, but that's not an issue if you're racing.  


Like stated above, swapping the engine out with an LS3 would make a HUGE difference.  

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