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THE Mook

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Good Morning!


A few weeks back, Forum Member Ud-Lose contacted me about helping him restore an old police cruiser that his department wanted him to try and bring back.  Without seeing it, and from the descriptions Randy provided over the phone, I have to admit, I was scared!


When he pulled up in it, my first thought, "This is pretty cool!"

Then I got closer to the paint.  Clearly it had been neglected for years, maybe decades, who knows!  Some parts of the car we knew we couldn't make better given the cracked body, missing paint, etc.  However, with the new Adam's Paint Polish Duo and Flex Polishers at our sides, we were ready to tackle the heck out of the project!


Here are a few befores:


I believe this to be a 1963 Ford Galaxie.  The Denver Police Department will now have a fleet of vehicles that will be cared for and taken to shows year round!


Check out this faded, swirled up paint!









Shot of the car from the Side:


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The Wheels and Tires weren't bad, but needed a little attention:






Some of the Brite Work needed brightened.



Including the Light Housing:




HOLY MOLY that hood!



That top wasn't White when it arrived.  It was when it left.



Clearly, wherever this car had been stored, birds were hungry.


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The Car wasn't really all the dirty so Randy and I opted for a Waterless Wash Wipedown on the whole car, then moved into Clay.



Once the paint decontamination process was complete, and believe me that paint was nasty, we moved onto the Hood for a test patch.



Randy warned me this may be single stage paint....



Flex 3401 at Speed 6 with an Orange Foam Cutting Pad and Adam's Paint Correcting Polish



This thing was coming back pretty quickly...




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Want to see what was under that tape patch after we pulled it?





Random Action Shot:



Randy and I hit the whole car with Adam's Paint Correcting Polish followed by Adam's Revive Polish on a Black Pad at Speed 3.  The Correcting Polish finished down so nicely on all parts of this paint, I decided that Revive would be the way to go right before Glaze/Wax.  We also took some time to dress the tires with Adam's SVRT, and polish all the Metal with Adam's Metal Polish #1 and #2.


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Man, you guys do some amazing work. I love the pic which the cruiser and the Bronco and the C2 vette in the background… it's like walking into the early 1970s right there. I can just imagine the Galaxy pulling over either of those cars. 


BTW, did anyone else notice that in the movie MIB III when they went back in time the MIB guys were driving Galaxies? Pretty clever tie-in. 

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As much as I hate seeing cop cars usually, that thing is rad! In the sideways shot of the unmasking section I thought it was a spot on the window. The old polish that was unwiped (left hand side) looked like the contour of a black seat or cloud reflection. :2thumbs:

Edited by davidg
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