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Process Question



Hey guys,


I need some advice.  Now that the hose is put away for winter, I will be doing rinseless washes until spring.  That being said, I want to strip the H2O Guard&Gloss and Buttery off of my G8 so that I can put down a couple layers of Quick Sealant on the bare paint for winter.


Typically I would add APC to my wash bucket and let it do it's job.  With the rinseless wash, can I follow the same procedure?  Add 4 oz. to the rinseless bucket and continue as normal?  Any other recommended way to strip wash without a shampoo bucket?



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11 answers to this question

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I wouldn't strip off what you have on. I'd add another coat of wax instead after you rinseless wash it. if this is your daily driver.  If this is a car you plan on storing for the winter, I'd wait till Spring.

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I agree w/ Rich.  Stripping involves washing.


You could probably strip a lot of the existing wax/sealant with an IPA wipedown but it would be tough to get all of it off.


I think you'll be fine with H2OG&G on there for the winter.  Maybe add another layer ever other wash or so....

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Oh, ok!  Even easier.  This is the first winter after the release of the H2O GG.  Guess I was just used to the regular old pre-H20 routine I would always follow.


It is my daily driver so I'll just change my winter process to Rinseless followed by H20 and/or Buttery :D   God bless H2O GG.


Thanks guys, much appreciated.

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Typically I would add APC to my wash bucket and let it do it's job.  With the rinseless wash, can I follow the same procedure?  Add 4 oz. to the rinseless bucket and continue as normal?  



Yes, this works fine with Rinseless wash too.

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The winters here in Chicago get pretty brutal so every little bit of protection I can apply, I do.  


Tomorrow it is supposed to be in the 50s so I will do a pretty thorough wash followed by quick sealant.  I won't strip anything since even though the quick sealant will be on top of my H2O and Buttery layer, it will still last at least a month.  I will then continue with rinseless washes probably once a week with an application of H2O every 2 weeks or so.  


Now Adam's just needs to come out with some kind of armor plating for the lower 1/3 of the car to protect it from the massive amounts of salt chunks and pieces of roadway that I drive through every winter up here :lol:

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Now Adam's just needs to come out with some kind of armor plating for the lower 1/3 of the car to protect it from the massive amounts of salt chunks and pieces of roadway that I drive through every winter up here :lol:

 I would settle for Adam's coating.  (Taps fingers impatiently)

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Guest washemup

 I would settle for Adam's coating.  (Taps fingers impatiently)

A product I would like to see as well. I'm thinking since some coatings have all the little idiosyncrasy's associated with them during application and wipe off, Adams will eventually have a very "user friendly" one, with a minimal cure time.


For the present, I'm still digging the quick easy HGG application!

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