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cyclo autoscrub clay alternative?





was just browsing the cyclo site to see if there were any goodies i needed to add for my cyclo.  Noticed these autoscrub pads that replace using a clay bar, and wondered if anyone has any experience with these?  Look pretty interesting and thinking about picking up a pair of the fine grade one's.  With these pads paired to the cyclo and some detail spray, should be able to decontaminate a vehicle's paint pretty quickly!  Let me know what u guys think

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Clay alternative threads come up once a week - Just search before making a new thread - People get very heated about clay vs. clay alternative.


The cliff notes is:  The clay alternatives on a PC or Cyclo work, but you really only need them on paints that are HAMMERED and you will be polishing afterward, as they can leave a bit of micro-marring if they are the medium grade, but most of the time any marring left will be removed with a pass of Correcting polish, and mostly is due to user error because the clay alternatives use a ton more lubricant in order to use them properly than a traditional clay bar.


If you are looking for a clay alternative and want to use it, stick with the fine grade.  The sponge is least aggressive, followed by the mitt, towel, and finally the pad that you use on a PC or Cyclo.

Edited by Ricky Bobby
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I have the sponge and also clay.  In my opinion they each serve their purpose.  The sponge I will take and use if I am doing a whole car that has nothing I can VISIBLY see that needs to be take off because I feel that is only what they are safe for and it is easier to hold.  Anything like tar, tree sap, or any other type of contaminate that I can visibly see I ALWAYS use clay because it is a lot more safe to use in my opinion. 

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Lol took the words right out of my mouth Jason.


@Michael I believe we all know your feelings towards clay alternatives 


I have nothing against them, and have used them (and will continue to do so).  I just did not care for the 'powered' version.

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They are quite popular with Cyclo users. I'm happy to answer any questions about them, but outside of the forum as to respect the AP team and forum rules about products not carried by Adam's. 



So Dylan, any plans on a Cyclo forum so we can bug you about the nano, etc?

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