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steamer or portable carpet cleaner



hey everyone! I'm thinking of purchasing a McCulloch MC1385. would something like that clean seats and carpets pretty good, or would I need a dedicated carpet cleaner like a portable Bissell? I know the best tool for the job would be an extractor but those are expensive lol and I'm not going to be detailing on a daily basis. AND would I be able to add carpet and upholstery cleaner as the solution?

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The steamer is good for mobilizing a lot of things in seats or carpets (think gum, etc). It will not clean as well as an extractor. That doesn't mean that you can't achieve awesome results without one. You could use the carpet and upholstery cleaner and a soft brush to agitate the spots. Then a good vacuum cleaner and you should be able to get most things out. It may take more work and a little longer than using an extractor. Your ideal compromise may be the steamer and a little Bissell. That would hit the majority of both of your needs. Truth be told, I don't use the extractor on every single detail. Anything that looks questionable though, and it's put to work. When detailing for others, time is money and the best tool for the job is most efficient. It depends on your priorities and the types of vehicles you're seeing. I don't think there's a universal answer.


Just as a side note, I've used my extractor around the house as well. It's useful to have around.

Edited by medic001918
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Save your money on the portable bissell, there just basically a useless toy. I have a rug doctor and a heated mytee, I rarely uses them for my auto details. I try and avoid shampooing carpets because many of today's fibers are very delicate. My go to way is a brush and some adams carpet cleaner and some microfiber towels for lifting up the dirt or any kind of soiling. I have used a steamer on some jobs and they are nice to have and can be used for many automotive needs. If you decide to go with the steamer make sure you buy the extended warranty, just in case.


Good Luck

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Thanks for the feedback on the Bissell Joe.  I referenced it since he mentioned it and I know some people have used them on here.  I don't personally have any experience with it, but I do understand that extractors are expensive.  I should have added that when I use my extractor (a Mytee), I don't use a carpet shampoo.  The hot water alone is often enough to mobilize any stains.  If it doesn't seem to work, I'll use carpet & upholstery cleaner sprayed directly on the are and agitate with a brush.  I'll steam if necessary.  Between the combo, most things are able to be removed.

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A steamer, like the McCulloch, in my opinion is a lot better for mobile details compared to a bissell extractor. Long story short, the Bissell just seems like a lot of effort and work, if you *need* to use it for your detail, mobile is not feasible unless you have a serious set-up (in which case, you would have something like a Mytee anyways). That is not to say it won't work, it is just not something I personally would want to work on in a mobile condition.


Now, if you have people dropping cars off to you, the Bissell Extractor might be a nice start until you can get something a little beefier, and the McCulloch is still wonderful.


As you can see, in my opinion, the McCulloch Steamer has more use and is probably a better buy. You can also use the steamer around the house more (again, in my opinion  :rockon: ). I use mine to clean with ease, bathrooms, stuck on food/juice on the floor, dirty hand prints on the walls, the stove, microwave, counters, fridge, garbage can and the list goes on. 


Just my two cents.

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Im thinking of getting a steamer as well, what would you guys recommend in getting? whats the difference on the extractor and steamer?? Does adam's have something similar for sale?

A steamer is NOT an extractor. They're two different tools. A steamer uses high temperature steam at a pressure to help mobilize stains and to clean through the use of water. It's very useful for stubborn stains since the heat and pressure really loosen things up with some light agitation. Be cautious though since they are pretty hot they can melt sensitive plastics if you leave it one spot too long or loosen adhesives (good or bad depending on the goal).


The steamer I use is a McCollough MC1385. For $200ish it's a great machine and works very well. I don't use it on every detail I do. But it does have it's place.


An extractor is like a shop vac that also uses heated water to help mobilize. The heated water loosens contamination and the vacuum portion pulls it all out of the surface. Some people use the Bissell handheld versions. Some people use bigger machines. I have a MyTee 8070 and it works well.


Hope that helps.

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Huh, I think the Bissell does a great job. Here's a before and after shot using Adams carpet and Upholstery Cleaner, a brush, and a Bissell. Not that an extractor wouldnt be nice but for the money.......






The Bissell is so good, it pulled the rubber mat right off the carpet!  :lolsmack:


In all seriousness, I use what looks like the same Bissell and it works great for what I need it to do.

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What did you use on the door panel? Major improvement?


I cant remember exactly but I think it was a product called "Awesome" that I bought. I love Adams All Purpose Cleaner but I did 5 of these vans for a guy and the Adams got a little pricey for the amount needed/used. The doors, lower trim, panels, etc. were finished off with Adams Total Interior Detailer, tires with VRT, outside done with H20 Guard and Gloss, Brilliant Glaze, Buttery Wax.










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Second the MC1385 deluxe. Awesome deal and it's great. Larger 64oz tank has allowed me to clean each car i have used it on without needing a refill. Reduces the amount of chemicals I use on interiors greatly as well.

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