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Classic Wax Finish Restorer


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I was cleaning out my Mom's garage before she moved and I found this ancient bottle of Classic Wax Finish Restorer. I think it must be from the 1960's but can't be certain. The price is shown as $2.00 so that kind of tells me this item is pretty old. It says it removes yellowing from Plexiglas parts. It kind of sounds like a kind of vintage headlight restoration product. I think I probably bought it for the side curtains of my 1963 Austin Healey Sprite.


It also states that it helps to repel radioactive fallout. Very intersting. I took a couple pictures and thought I would share them.






I may try using it on headlights and see if it will work.

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Thats great.... you might want to shoot that over in an email to Adam... like Bill said, he has a really crazy collection of old detailing products and bottles. He might even know more about that particular product.


You think he'd give me anything for the can of NXT wax I have sitting in my garage?!? :lolsmack:

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Wow. That had to be the very EARLY 60's. Most likely the 50's. We used to have air raid drills in school when I was a kid. An alarm would sound and we'd have to cover our heads and duck under our desks. Fat lot of good that would have done, but things were really naive back then. I think I probably still have those old books somewhere around here just like the ones Rich showed.

Nice find. Thanks for sharing..........and bringing back some long forgotten memories.:2thumbs:

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Wow. That had to be the very EARLY 60's. Most likely the 50's. We used to have air raid drills in school when I was a kid. An alarm would sound and we'd have to cover our heads and duck under our desks. Fat lot of good that would have done, but things were really naive back then. I think I probably still have those old books somewhere around here just like the ones Rich showed.

Nice find. Thanks for sharing..........and bringing back some long forgotten memories.:2thumbs:


Rich --


I remember having air raid drills up until about 4th grade, which was about 1978. That was when I lived in Bethlehem, PA. Even at that age I recall thinking "now how's this going to save us?!?"


Ironically it was not long after that when we got the Three Mile Island scare, which WAS a little close for comfort. :patriot:

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When I was in 6th grade, 1961, we were in a quiet study session when all of a sudden we heard a low whoooo, I can honestly say for a few seconds we all, including the teacher, had the same scary thought then realized it was a vacuum cleaner down the hall. There was nervous laughter after but to this day I remember the incident and the effect it had on all of us.

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me three paste and liquid. i got some gold class from like a whole 2 years ago...gotta have some value :lolsmack:


Me four... I don't know why I don't throw it away. I haven't touched it since I got all my Adams... :thumbsup:

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ill prolly give it to my son so he can detial his power wheels gator....cant ever get them started to early...he is 3 :lolsmack:


I wish I had a quarter for every forum post I've read where the word "probably" is spelled "prolly". I'd be rich!! Oh, wait, I am! :lolsmack:


See, there's a lot of them out there!

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I went to Catholic school, God protected us so we didn't have to crawl under our desks :lolsmack::lolsmack::lolsmack:





Wow. That had to be the very EARLY 60's. Most likely the 50's. We used to have air raid drills in school when I was a kid. An alarm would sound and we'd have to cover our heads and duck under our desks. Fat lot of good that would have done, but things were really naive back then. I think I probably still have those old books somewhere around here just like the ones Rich showed.

Nice find. Thanks for sharing..........and bringing back some long forgotten memories.:2thumbs:

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