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Everything posted by Audog

  1. Hope leg heals well, and injury wasn't very serious. I would love to see you Logs and tables. I spend all day doing I.T. work, and just can't bring myself to deal with spreadsheets/logs when I get home. I think all of us here are a "little OCD" or we wouldn't keep our vehicles looking nice. I would bet that more than 50% have organized tool chests, workbenches too Heal quickly!
  2. Welcome, I would echo the above posts. Polishers are great, but unless correction is needed, hand methods work great. You can't go wrong with Adams products and the videos are great. Enjoy the fun.
  3. Update to my mini 805, darn thing went nuts this afternoon, started making high pitched whine, smelled like it was overly hot. Smell was so strong, it overpowered a new detail spray air freshener! Time for a new dash cam I guess.
  4. Welcome to the forum, best auto related forum on the net, best people on a forum too. You will love the CTS, put over 150 K on mine before I got rid of it.
  5. I wish I had worked on my car, but instead I sat in a conference room, working on getting a wireless presentation system set up so people who don't understand computers and networking could show presentations from their laptop computers. Should have been easy, but of the entire room of 20 people, only one understood IP addresses. All I could think about was the mystery box on its way and my need to wash microfiber towels tonight. Rough day
  6. Favorite is double soft, but most used are grey, and orange borderless and glass. I just don't have enough doubles offs to use them for everything yet.
  7. I must be getting older, it's waterless wash until it hits 50F, more power to you for getting out the hose and braving the cold! BTW car looks good.
  8. Agree with everything EXCEPT SnapBack flat bill would like a baseball cap.
  9. H2O Guard and Gloss and detai spray are my main uses for double sorts.
  10. I had planned on good stip wash and clay, paint surface is in really good shape, but would need to strip off G&G. I must had something tiny in microfiber last detail spray wipe down. As Cherokee is white, it took just the right angle of sunlight to see, but now that I know the marks are there, it's going to drive me nuts until weather warms up. Could only find the few tiny scratches, but....
  11. Last order detail spray was frozen a bit, kind of like crushed ice in a soda at McDonalds, let it thaw on its own and after shaking seems like it's ok. Don't know if interior detailer will come out ok, but it's really great that Adams is willing to replace it if in doubt. What a great company, who else would apologize for weather related issues.
  12. Today, while filling tank, the sun caught my white paint just right and I noticed very small scratches in a couple areas. They are very fine and won't even photograph, but I now know they are there. So the questions are 1. Is it time to invest in a light like a Brinkman and 2. Would paint finishing polish be the product to use? Whatever product will have to wait until it warms up a bit. I'm pretty sure Revive would take care of the problem, but am looking for reason to use Cyclo kids got me for Christmas. Thanks in advance.
  13. I'd get a 3.5 gallon bucket or two.
  14. No matter how many towels one has, can always use at least one more. Never can have too many. When pads show signs of breaking down, it's time fore new pads.
  15. It would be great to have a wish list function, just put one of everything in mine.
  16. I can't agree more, don't own a Vette, but making plans to go to Vette show here in Cental Illinois, just to meet the Adams people. Wonder how a Jeep will be received at a summer Corvette show.
  17. Welcome and it is an addiction You will find lots of info and great people here. Heck, there are people here who have forgot more about detailing than most of us will ever know. Enjoy!
  18. Audog

    New rupes bag

    Wish there was a Cyclo bag, using a generic tool bag and would like a Cyclo or Adams bag that would fit.
  19. I have had, and used, my PC for years but got a Cyclo this Christmas. I haven't had a chance to yeast it out yet due to a shoulder injury, but hope it doesn't vibrate as much as the PC. As soon as it warms up, the Cyclo is getting a workout. Was wondering if I should invest in the tiny Rupes as well, or will the Cyclo get those "odd" areas.
  20. I got the hex grip in a previous mystery box, love it. It works great and is easy to hold.
  21. I have a mini 805 in my Cherokee. Nice and small, hard wired it to fuse box. Have been running it 8 months w/o issues.
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