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Everything posted by Mariner

  1. The consensus seems to be the new Americana performs just as well over time as the Patriot. I think the Patriot is just more premium because of it's additional carnauba. However, like said above, G&G over Paint Sealant is great for a DD, and far more cost effective. It's also easier to apply because you would just apply using the wet method after a standard wash. But whatever floats your boat, as ultimately, it's your decision.
  2. Chris that's the first thing I had to do at my new home was to check all the sprinkler heads... and two had been whacked. It's a PITA digging those things up.
  3. Welcome Will! Your back story is very similar to others here. We're glad to have you around!
  4. I didn't mean you'd actually dragged your towel across the ground lol, more along the lines of that type of damage wouldn't come naturally to a towel like that, while using it for its intended purpose. With that being said, like you said, best place to start would be what the condition of the inside of your dryer is. Make sure to report back with findings!
  5. It would be virtually impossible to create that many snags on just 4 cars. That type of damage looks like it would come from dragging the towel across asphalt. Albeit you should have washed the towel before drying, I wouldn't think a $40 towel would start to fall apart that easily, especially since you've only machine dried it once? You should contact Adam's Polishes and see what your options are.
  6. Joe was just asking for all the actual rooks that might not speak up to ask out of embarrassment, that's all!
  7. Check your windshield wipers for grit too. My wife's new to her Fiesta needs a new windshield because the current one has scoring arced perfectly matching the wipers. If your wipers are damaged, this could be the beginning of more damage and you just happened to see it. I have clayed my windshield many times vigorously back when it got hit with paint overspray, and even with the brutal scrubbings I gave it, there was no windshield damage.
  8. Wow I guess I didn't realize they're fazing out the normal APC!
  9. Sooooo nobody make orders yet haha or you'll be making two.
  10. Ahhhh sharp eye Rich. I think Adams let slip a new product that hasn't been released yet.
  11. I have a sidekick and I never use it. Nice tool, but I just towel dry everything. I can't justify the master blaster either. Worst thing that happens is I paint correct once a year.. not too bad IMO.
  12. It's my favorite wash tool! I have two, one for wheels and one for paint. They hold soap and suds well, lather well, and have scrubbing power. I highly recommend the red mitt.
  13. Hahahaha Dave I'm a Republican, I understand this concept as well as the next guy. I'm not saying I'm not accountable. Perhaps the pads just need a step up in quality, at least as far as the velcro backing is concerned.
  14. Dave, I appreciate your help and advice. To no fault of you or Adam's, I can promise you that as an engineer that works on million dollar pieces of floating equipment, I haven't read home instruction manuals in years. I also highly doubt that few people here read the warning section in their manuals. With that aside, it's also strange that there would be 2 additional speeds higher than what Adam's recommends for general correction. For those of us that think the faster we can get done, the faster we can move onto other things... well... it's an accident waiting to happen. And finally, if higher speeds are "allowed" for heavier correction, then since I was working on a severely damaged bumper, why did I still destroy my pad even though I was still within Adam's operating parameters? I guess all I'm trying to say if you're going to sell a piece of equipment that has the capability to work at high speed, then design a pad that can last.
  15. Okay thanks, this is good to know. Would have been nice to know before myself and other people started destroying pads though, as this knowledge isn't widely known.
  16. Well these pads were a gift so I can't expect Adam's to replace them. I was just curious as to why they were failing early. It's good to see its not just be being hard on them, and that others have had issues as well. Next batch I buy I'll try to be a little less harsh on them.
  17. I used to but I gave it away after it didn't work so well on my 4Runner trim. I'll either get some clear coat or replace them. There's etching that I'm pretty sure is permanent.
  18. Anybody else have issues with the pads lasting? My SK mini pads have lasted 2 corrections and the backing is already peeling apart and the foam splitting. I do use the polisher on top speed but still, seems premature for what they cost. I have cleaned after each use with MFR. Just wondering if I'm doing something wrong.
  19. The ID isn't strong enough to drive away new car smell. Most of the time when I use ID, the smell is gone a couple minutes after its used.
  20. My garage is hot as heck this time of year, but even when I stored it in my apartment, my SVRT was thin as water. Next bottle I get I'll just store it in the house.
  21. Just Paint Sealant. Is that good enough? Wet sanding was a foreign territory for me and I read something about applying a clear coat but that's something I don't have.
  22. I was using my VRT today (actually I have the older SVRT) and it did seem super liquidy so I'm wondering as well if over time it thins out.
  23. While I do agree a little, I'd like to point out that I've used the mitt 3 times now and haven't noticed any marring that normal clay wouldn't cause. Also, it's nice to have the mitt to break out to clay my windows which I do far more frequently than my paint. So while convenience may not be the main line that Adam's talks, it sure is nice sometimes.
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