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Everything posted by Mariner

  1. Finally got rid of my ugly chrome lettering and emblems with matte black overlays.
  2. Glad to hear from you, Scott! You guys really took the brunt for Florida down there.
  3. I work in an environment where gloves usually aren’t a good idea, not unless I want to lose fingers. I guess my body is full of diesel, crude oil, brake cleaner, o-ring lube, you name it! Little bit of red dye won’t kill anyone. With all that aside, I guess I’ve never noticed red wearing off onto my hands when using the mitt.
  4. Replaced the spark plugs and wires on my wife’s Fiesta. Car had all original plugs and wires at 110k miles so it was due. Plug number one had a gap of .050 when it was supposed to be .032, and plug number 3 was covered in fuel. Needless to say I believe it runs better now!
  5. I hate gloves of any kind, latex especially. I think I’d rather eat a red sammich too ????
  6. I don't think it's actually officially been released yet
  7. I love the Pumpkin Spice! I wait all year for this.
  8. Lol the funniest thing is is that I'm 25 and I'm literally hearing about all these fad brands for the first time. Pretty sure they're for kids that are a little bit out there, to put it gently. I mean for crying out loud we can't even get a normal ballcap on here!
  9. It's not about the products to me, more the ideals at this point. You can get good detailing supplies anywhere. Adams has an ability to maintain brand name loyalists, no matter the price tag. When their normally reciprocal loyalty to us shifts away to punk kids and the next big thing, well that's pretty much sucks. And I'm pretty sure that's where the base is faltering currently. There's always going to be the hard core loyalists that have been around since the beginning. But those of us that have only been around a few years and have lost a little bit of trust in the Adams line.. well that's where the company will lose big in the long run. This constantly chasing the latest fad is going to be a never ending challenge for the company. I'll be curious to see how it affects them years down the road.
  10. ^^Adams isn't as small as they like us to think they Are. But I agree with what you're saying. This new direction truly is disappointing and I find myself buying more and more products from other suppliers to avoid these ridiculous and unrelated product misdirections.
  11. If you need to be aggressive, I'd stick with the clay bar. The mitt can leave streaks that require even more work to get off then overspray. I had really bad overspray on my 4Runner several month ago and the clay bar did the trick. However, it took 2 different sessions and several hours. Then of course I had to paint correct. Overspray sucks but with dedication and a weekend off, you can make it disappear.
  12. Waited in a line at the gas pump for an hour, then another hour in line at the PDQ. My wife and I get nostalgic at the house with no power... we actually have to talk to one another!
  13. Mariner


    This was my first hurricane and as a new home owner about 3 months ago, I was terrified of what could happen. The center of Irma as a category 2 passed right over us here in Bartow, Central FL, at a severe wind warning of gusts up to 100mph for about an hour and a half. I've been on a ship in 40 foot seas before on the open ocean and this storm has me more scared than that. The noise is horrific. My wife and I stayed up til the worst passed through at about 2am. We're still without power as of about 8pm Sunday but I'm grateful there was no damage to our home, fence, or family. We consider ourselves lucky after seeing the amount of trees and power poles down, as well as roofs peeled back throughout the rest of town. We give our well wishes and speedy recovery to those that sustained major damage.
  14. Mariner


    Well that was wild.
  15. Mariner


    All ready over here in Bartow. Supplies stored and bigger windows boarded up. Thanks to everyone for their prayers and good luck to my fellow Floridians. See y'all on the other side.
  16. I think Ed is from Australia, and they drive on the left side of the road so the driver sits on the right! As cool as I think that is I'm not sure I could ever drive manual with my left hand!
  17. I have a 4Runner as well and I've polished 2 times to date. Mine is white so I have a single stage paint with a mixed in clear. Go ahead and put the orange correcting polish to it. Finishing polish won't touch the swirls if that's all you use. Just follow your typical 2 step process with correcting and finishing polishes and it'll look great.
  18. I saw it too. Is that clear bottle to the left the new shoe cleaner lmao
  19. The article is from mid 2014 so it's probably from something they released a while ago
  20. Work. Every day out here is a Monday lol
  21. I'd get the tough glass towels. There's plenty of other towels capable of cleaning your nav screen without damage so that you wouldn't need a specific cloth.
  22. Agreed. Revive is my go to on outside glass for water spots. Can't wait to see OP's results from using it on the inside.
  23. It can but it's overkill in most cases. Unless you have some brakes that put out some serious brake dust, then once every handful full of washes should be fine. I use wheel cleaner once a month and even that is probably overkill.
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