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Everything posted by falcaineer

  1. Nice work, Brandon! And congrats on the house. First time home owner?
  2. Welcome, Adam! Don't be fooled...you're addicted. Just accept it. And enjoy the shine!
  3. Don't travel and forget a bottle of ON, lest your rental car reek of BO from the previous renter. ??
  4. Yes, it can be used after a wash to add gloss and protection. In fact, CB can be used as a stand alone sealant, similar to HGG, and is silica-based (vs HGG which is an acrylic resins). See the instructions on the bottle for application methods following a wash, etc. It's advertised for last months, but I can't attest to that since I use/favor HGG. I'd say using it once/month or so would be more than sufficient and any more often overkill, potentially losing some gloss, etc, because of too much with layering. WW is awesome, and if you haven't done a wash using it, I recommend you give it a try. You might be surprised. And it smells incredible...addicting, even. Other uses are door jams and the engine bay. Compared to DS, direct from the product website, it "is a more effective cleaner, and has more lubricant designed to remove larger dirt particles without causing swirls. It also has no gloss enhancers, so it leaves your paint clean but not glossy. Follow Adam's Waterless Car Wash with Adam's Detail Spray to enhance the gloss!"
  5. Thanks, Kyle. You're on the same track that I am, then. Just something to put the polisher in within the polisher bag to keep it from getting damaged by other items around it. Although a little bulky, that could be an interim fix. Thanks for the idea, Rich. Not quite sure a sticker would work, though...
  6. That really looks great, Bill. Well done!!
  7. Welcome, Scotty! I'll take @pirahnah3/Jim's accurate inputs a little further. Both PS and HGG are acrylic resins so are in the same "family" of protective products. The HGG will last you about a month or so, and it's an awesome product (my favorite from Adam's). The PS will last you at least 6 months, and you can use HGG to maintain every 3-4 washes or so. Basically, it's up to you what to use. But if you do eventually switch to the sealant as your base, as I'd recommend, be sure to strip wash it first. Here's a great article so you can learn more:
  8. The wax applicator is in and stored with the case.
  9. Does the iron content of the water matter if diluting Iron Remover? Either way, where does it go in the bottle when it is "removed"??!! ? ?
  10. While it doesn't help now, consider carrying a small spray bottle of WW or diluted RW and a MF towel in you car to get these sorts of things off soonest.
  11. For clarification, I envision something like a travel shoe bag, only bigger.
  12. I have the large polisher bag and want to protect my SK even more, especially if/when I include another polisher in the bag (see post from @Editguy here). I'd like to suggest a soft cotton/poly/felt-like bag for machine polishers, preferably drawstring or something similar to keep the cord, etc, enclosed. Maybe brand it with the Adam's logo and offer different color options like red (which would be awesome!) and black, or even release limited editions or themed ones like USA/July 4th.. The possibilities are endless! Think of it as a bag within a bag. Of course, it could be used stand-alone, too, as a less expensive option to the polisher bag, for storage on the shelf, etc. What say you, @Kyle@Adams, @Matt@Adams, @Kourtney@Adams, and Adam's team?
  13. Yep! But this reminds me of a suggestion I want to make to Adam's, so I'll post separately...
  14. Don't cut them...do as @BHarris23 alluded and @tlbullet said - just press down on the cap more and tighten. You'll be glad when the last few drops get used vs. sitting there and mocking you ?.
  15. Doesn't matter. You're going to shake them all well anyway to ensure a good mix. Hopefully you've seen this thread, but if not...
  16. Welcome, Rob! Nice ride.
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